Chapter 6: Identity

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She could hear buzzing sounds of machines around her, and voices, familiar voices.

Sarah slowly regained her consciousness, she opened her eyes and gaze around the room; she found herself lying in a hospital bed, Ed and Zachary were talking by the door.

Zachary noticed Sarah’s movements, and within seconds the two was at her bedside. Sarah could clearly recall what happened, she was worried. “How could I be so careless?” she thought to herself, realizing that she left Lily to fight off the killer.

“Sarah? Can you hear me?” Zachary questioned lightly, he looked at Ed who was right by his side.

“Where’s Lily?” Sarah asked fixing her look at Ed, before diverting her gaze into Zachary’s eyes.

“Where is she?” the brunette repeated.

“I… I’ll just get you something; I bet you’re hungry Sarah.” Ed said trying to avoid the question Sarah was throwing at them; he gets out of the room; leaving Zachary and Sarah alone.

“Zachary… I… I… I remember everything… She’s not just my bestfriend am I right? We’re more than that!” Sarah raised her voice, she can remember everything now, and she wants to apologize; she knew that she caused a lot of pain for her, and she wants to set things straight.

“Tell me; where is SHE?”

Zachary took a deep breath, and closed his eyes for a second.

“Can you get up now?” Zachary asked

Sarah gets up; she felt fine at first but then as she stood she felt dizzy. Zachary catches her as she was about to fall.

“How long have I been here?” Sarah huffed.

“About a day”

“Did we get him?”

“Yeah, you did. And you rescued 3 other girls including Ryan’s sister. Well he introduced himself to me. There were two other girls at a secret cellar-like room in that cabin.”

Sarah was partially relieved.

“You haven’t answered my first question yet, Zac. Where’s Lily?”

Zachary gulped and sighed. He assisted Sarah to sit on her bed and took a wheelchair; he then transferred her to the wheelchair. And took Sarah to the ICU

“Ed’s so gonna be angry at me” Zachary said as he stopped by a glass window, and faced Sarah’s wheelchair in the glass window; where a young blonde was on a ventilator.

Beside the young blonde was Ryan and Ian, both were guarding her.

“LILY!” Sarah exclaimed, her voice echoed throughout the hallways of the hospital.

“Calm down, Calm down…” Zachary sighed as Sarah’s tears fell from her eyes; he then opened the door to the room and pushed the wheelchair inside

Sarah tried to compose herself she doesn’t want to show anyone her emotions except for Zachary and Lily.

The two boys stand up, Ryan walked towards Sarah; he took her hands and kneeled in front of her; bowing his head down

“I’m sorry; I was too late.” Ryan said apologetically, Sarah just pat his head; and whispered “none of this was your fault”

“I’ll just have to get out the maximum capacity of visitors is 3.” Khail said as he walked out of the room.

“Please push the wheelchair on her bedside” Sarah requested; Ryan stood up and went back to where he was sitting; as Zachary complied with Sarah’s request.

Sarah caressed her lover’s golden hair and took her hand as she whispered “I’ll just be right here; we’re all here, we’re waiting. Don’t leave me okay?” the whispered broke into sobs.

“I was too late Ms.Sarah, I found the both of them wrestling, Lily was on top of him trying to get the gun; but she got shot in the abdomen I saw her body collapsed on your side. As he was about to shoot the both of you again; I quickly tackled him, the gunshot that was supposed to be directed on either the two of you was shot in the air, and as force him in the ground he dropped the gun I then used every bit of strength I had in my body in every punch I gave until he finally pass out. The police was just in time he was captured; and was turned over to your department according to your boss”

“So how is she now?” Sarah asked snivelling.

“Doctors said that the bullet just grazed; she’s lucky no organs were hit; but the gut shot caused her major bleeding and infection, that’s why she’s in critical condition.” Zachary answered while hugging Sarah as they looked at Lily.

“If only I haven’t lost my memories; you’d be okay. If only I wasn’t a fool for acting carelessly in that situation. This is shit. This is bullshit. You need to stay with me Lily. I am not ready of losing you, I’ll never be.”  Sarah closed her eyes, tears still falling down from it.


“You’re weak Sarah.” Sarah opened her eyes and saw herself standing by the door of Lily’s room; she looked around the room and saw Ryan and Zachary who’ve seemed to be frozen.

“Who are you?” Sarah asked wide eyed, as the other her went to the bedside opposite to her’s.

“Isn’t it obvious? I am you. I am the darkness inside of you and I am here to let you remember who you really are Sarah Catherine Paulson” the image of hers grinned.

“What do you mean?” Sarah asked confused to what she was saying.

“We all know why you went ALONE to chase Siegfried. You want him, you want to kill him on your own isn’t it your habit?” she chuckled evilly.

Sudden flashbacks invade Sarah’s mind, she yelled as her memories were filling her mind.

Then she finally remembered what and who she really was; aside from being Lily’s lover.

“I bet you remembered now Paulson, keep in mind. I am always a part of you”

Everything went back to normal; Zachary went to Sarah and asked her “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head and faked a smile.

She forced herself to stand from the wheelchair; since she felt a bit alright than she was a while ago.

Zachary and Ryan assisted her but she said she was okay; she excused herself and slowly walks towards the comfort room in Lily’s room.

She locked the door; and took a deep breath she looked at the mirror and washed her face in the sink.

She looked up in the mirror again, seeing her own reflection as she muttered.

“I remember everything. I… I… am also a serial killer.”

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