Chapter 8: Getting a Room

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..........................Wohohohoho....................... Smut ahead.............. Be Warned.............
.............................I'm so green minded........... Kill me now........ xD


The three finally arrived in L.A.

Zachary parked the car outside Lily’s apartment.

“We’re here!” Zachary said gleefully, but no one replied; he looked back and saw the two is cuddling as they sleep.

Zachary sighed and he smiled. “Glad you have your memories back, Sarah”

He gets out of the car and slammed the door hard intentionally to wake the two up.

Sarah jumped a bit from her seat, however Lily didn’t budge; she was still asleep, probably because of the medicine she took while they were travelling.

Sarah looked at her and tucked her blonde hair on her ears; she doesn’t want to wake her up; so what she did is that she princess carried Lily to her apartment unit while Zachary was carrying their bags.

As they got inside her apartment; Sarah laid her down in her bed, she looked at the blonde once again as the moonlight illuminates her angelic sleeping face; Sarah leaned towards the blonde and kissed her forehead.

“Goodnight” she whispered softly and walk out of the room, going to the living room where Zachary was waiting.

She saw Zachary sitting on the couch; he was staring at the coffee table and he was lost in his deep thoughts.

Sarah walked closer to him

“What’s the matter?” she asked gently as she sat next to him.

“What’s your plan now?” he inquired; Zachary remembered that before he goes to New Orleans he went to Sarah’s condo and heard them yelling and arguing, when her girlfriend went out of her unit Zachary stood there as the girl told her “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!?” in a sharp, snappy way. That’s why he didn’t go inside her condo and just leave, and on his way to New Orleans he spotted that bitch hooking up with another man.

“I’m going to break up with her.” Sarah answered

“Well, I’m going to give you a reason to.” Zachary grinned as he told the details to Sarah.



Sarah was walking on her condominium’s hall going towards her unit; she opened the door and found Dennise, who greeted her as she was about to give her a kiss she stopped her.

“We need to talk” Sarah said in a cold toneless voice as she closed the door gently.

“What is it about, Babe? Is there something wrong?”

Sarah sat on the couch, followed by Dennise who sat on the couch opposite to hers

Sarah looked at her in the eyes.

“This isn’t working, you know I do care for you and I did love you. but---“

“But what? You’re in love with that Lily aren’t you?” Dennise rises from the couch; obviously she was boiling with anger again.

Undercover (Raulson Fic) [Sequel of Destiny]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat