To throw in the Towel

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Talia walked elegantly into the palace, fear was written all over Sofia's face. She stood in utter disappointment, not at her people but herself."Hello, My Queen, "Talia bowed.

The Knights forcefully brought in Eve, Rudev, and Joza."So it was you all along?" Sofia muttered."Oh no. it's not me ..." she sat and crossed her legs on the sofa, "how many times will I explain myself to people? I take orders from the boss!"

"Where's your boss!" Sofia cried.
"Sofia, dear, don't cry..."Talia giggled.

"Arent you ready to do what we need or else I'll finish your family off..." she said, beckoning to her knights to bring in the remaining hostages. They brought in Ephraim, Dan, Amira, Priel, Shira and the twins.

"Father!"rudev screamed.

They all knelt while a rifle was pointed at the back of their heads. She also didn't forget to surprise Sofia with the jaguar that she so long refused to give away.

Sofia stood with hunching shoulders, opened mouth and widened eyes. She was trembling, she wrapped her arms around herself and rocked from side to side. We've all had that feeling of fear that grips our heart and ruins our dreams, the voice that says we cant and gets louder and louder anytime we listen to it. Sofia had the fear of losing her family, she fell on her knees and wept. Perhaps she had been a very stringent,rudev's word rang in her head.
"When last did you act like a mother and not a Queen"

She did all she thought was good for the kingdom, oblivious to the fact that her family was falling apart. Her ego could build a mountain, saving Ephraim from Alfred's arms was what compelled her to change.
Now her family needed her the most and she had the power to stop it, she could start all over again and build a better home than a better kingdom, whoever this person was, definitely taught her a valuable lesson she would never forget.

She raised her head up at the face looking at her waiting for her to make her decision, although their image was blurry due to the tears below her eyelids she could tell her family needed Sofia back, the old Sofia not this present one.

Talia looked away and turned to Sofia who was sniffing and wiping her tears."I yield"Sofia muttered.

Everyone raised their heads when they heard that."I'm sorry, what was that?"Talia asked.
"I said, I yield" she replied out loud.

Sofia stood and said again"I care about my family now more than ever, tell your boss I said I yield"

Rudev's face beamed with joy, everyone smiled but they still wondered whether they were free or not.

Sofia bowed down and said"Let my people go"

Talia raised her hands beckoning for the men to stop, they put their weapons down and one by one left the palace.

Talia smiled and concluded"Guess my work here is done" She also left screaming"Let us leave!"

The whole family immediately got up and reached for a hug."Just like that, they left?"Amira said.
"And we didn't even get to know who the boss is "Joza added.

Rudev jumped on Ephraim"Dad, you're unharmed..."

It was like everything was in order again after such a period, they could smile again. Noa and David ran to hug Dan"Dad" they cried. Shira also walked in and joined them but the look noa gave her sacred her a bit. Shira bent and said to her"You might not like me but I promise, when I get married and become your mom, you'll love me "

Joza glanced at eve who stood looking and admiring the peace of the family. He walked up to her and said"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah" she replied. He sighed and said"Thank you for..." she stopped him right there and interrupted him"Listen Joza, I have to confess something to you..." he looked at her curiously hoping she would say something else that he wanted to hear but instead she said, "I'm sorry that I've been deceiving you all this time..." He looked confused and muttered, "What do you mean?" 

She sighed and said"I believe you've really changed but... I'm sorry I had to deceive you that I loved you" 

He immediately stopped smiling, she held him and said"I'm sorry but it wasn't my plan to hurt you,rudev compelled me too"

She looked down and muttered"I bet you wouldn't want to see someone like me ever again"

But he replied with a smile "It's ok, what if I try to make it real now"
Eve raised her head up because she knew what it meant, she nodded and smiled

Rudev turned to Sofia who stood looking at all of them, a huge weight had just been lifted off her shoulders. Rudev walked up to her slowly. They both stared at each other for a while, Sofia pulled her close for a hug. Sofia cried her eyes out"Please rudev, give me one last chance to be a good mother to you"Rudev nodded and replied, "I love you mom" At that spot rudev had numerous flashbacks.


Ephraim and rudev  having a discussion"Dad, I'm concerned for mum"
She sat next to the bed and rested her head on him"She has gone into the dark side and is never coming out

"I miss her motherly love and affection"

Ephraim patted her and replied"You cant blame her though, the past has changed her"

Rudev sat up and said, "What if the present can?"He looked confused and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Rudev smiled and replied" Call Talia, tell her we'll need plenty and plenty of help even if it means hurting us and the kingdom, I'll get mum back"

Rudev still hugging her mum tightly wept.

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