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 Rudev and eve walked in slowly, ignoring the looks they were getting. As soon as the Don saw them, she raised her hands up signifying that everyone should leave the room, just for rudev and her. Eve also walked away with the rest of the other women. They shut the door behind and rudev didn't know what was coming next. 

"Greetings " rudev bowed.

"No need for formalities," don said.

Rudev felt comfortable already. "You sent for me ?"

"Yes, from the day you gambled, I liked you. Such great courage from a new young child in the Accult jail of Babylon. ," She offered rudev a seat on her bed. Rudev became pleased with the generosity. 

"Thank you, but I didn't know what I was playing," rudev chuckled.

"It's ok you reminded me of myself when I was still so young, innocent and brave," Don said

Rudev as usual began her questioning "How did you get here? and how did you become Don?" Rudev had turned it to a conference as if she called the Don over.

"I was not always his mean, I used to be sweet, nice and innocent. It all started thirty-two years ago. My parents ad no means of fending for me, they became deceased and left me all alone in this world. I became a castle's maid in charge of the baby, everything was absolutely fine until one day..."


A girl was sitting in a room carrying a baby. She sang a lullaby for the child to sleep but the child couldn't sleep instead it kept on crying. It was late at night and everyone else was dining outside. Since the song wasn't working, she proceeded to play with the child

"Don't worry baby paul, I'm here to play with you" she made funny looks to make the child smile. She placed  a pacifier in the child's mouth and swung the child in her arms singing "Yay!"    Suddenly the power went off. 

"Oh no! What happened? No lights?"She placed the child gently in the cradle and grabbed some candles and lit them. The power went back on.     

"They're messing with me," she said. The lights went off and on again. She became scared. "What's happening!"The power went off and on again, this affected the light bulb. It broke causing her to scream. The baby started crying, she ran and carried the child to pacify him. Switches started sparking."Someone help please!" she cried out. Another bulb close to her broke again, the baby cried even more. The lit candles melted and fell on the ground coming in contact with the sparking switch and thus, the room was on fire. She screamed at the sight of this and tried to escape but had no luck, the fire spread really fast and blocked the entrance. She was trapped, she sat in a corner with the baby and sobbed. The smoke wasn't good for the baby or her either. Before anyone could make it on time, the baby couldn't make it.

"And they put the blame on me "Don concluded.

Rudev was so intrigued by the story, she didn't know what to say. 

"I, Rahab was exiled and sent here," Don said.

"Your name is Rahab?" rudev asked.

"Yes," Rudev felt bad and hugged her. 

Don felt calm but didn't hug her. She broke the hug and asked, "What about you?"

"My Dad, King was killed but I was punished for it. Such cruelty, the world puts a blame on you, my mom was sent out of the Castle, what did she do wrong? I was hurt but I couldn't cry, I wish I could, so the pain would leave me easily. No matter how hard I try to, tears won't come out"

She became emotional, she held Don's hands and sang"When Sun comes out tomorrow, so we gotta hang on to tomorrow, no more pain. Tomorrow,  tomorrow. I love you tomorrow, there's always a day ahead."She repeated the verse with a little melody and a smile on her face.


Later that night, 

"I never thought I would ever sit down on this table"eve whispered to rudev. They were actually sitting on the Grand Table; one meant for really important people in the prison. Rudev smiled at eve and continued eating. Rudev, eve, Don, Khalifa and some other kingpins sat having their meal. Well, it was a bit odd for khalifa and the rest to eat with rudev but it was Don's wish so they had to comply. Zaga Rasta carried her meal and walked toward the table, 

"Why are these two sitting here?!" She yelled.

Rudev stuck up her chin while eve looked directly at her plate with her hands trembling.

"Get up!" she yelled. Eve immediately got up but rudev pulled her back down.

"What do you mean by that? Can't, you see that I'm now a Kingpin"Rudev snapped. "At least respect that fact that I deserve this seat and my fellow friend here is allowed to because I say so."

Everyone turned their heads. Zaga was ready to devour rudev on that spot but Don interfered"Come on now, she's right. She's not on your seat, is she?" 

Khalifa spat her food out when she heard Don supporting rudev. Eve chewed her food in peace, the prison mates murmured. 

"If anyone has a problem with my decision, then they can say it to my face," Don said. The hall became quiet immediately. Zaga calmed down just in the meantime but it was clear from the way she walked to her seat that rudev was in for it. Rudev had crossed too many lines in just two days. How many dramas could she probably cause again?

RUDEV MARYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon