Festival or not

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Sofia and her husband were discussing the festival of hot air balloons

"I've always loved looking at the balloons. They're so pretty and big," Sofia says as she arranges her desk. 
"But not as beautiful as you," he said. The compliment struck her. She didn't expect it. She tucked her black hair behind her ears and smiled.
He continued, "The crown on your head is good evidence that you are a woman of worth. You're a perfect beauty queen, you're intelligent, witty, confident, and you carry yourself with poise... and that's also exactly how I'll describe a woman.
She smiled and sat closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. "If anything happened to you, don't know what I'll do with my life," she replied

Alfred was standing near their door when he accidentally heard their conversation. He ridiculed them by rolling his eyes, he didn't hear their other conversations but he paid attention when he heard this

"And I've always dreamt of riding it, " Ephraim said 

"Everyone has " Sofia giggled 

"But my dream is coming true, I am going to ride in it" Ephraim whispered into her ears while cuddling her, Sofia was shocked "Really!" she turned to him

"Yes, as the king and most importantly, my birthday was held just yesterday, I deserve it," he said. 

"Yes, you do !" Sofia giggled. 
Alfred widened his eyes in excitement and said sinisterly "Unfortunately, that will be your last ride ". He walked to his room grumbling 

"Earlier today mom insulted me in front of everyone..." he tossed his robe on his bed aggressively,"...now they'll all mourn you " he picked up his landline and dialled a number 

"My brother is riding in the hot air balloons tonight, I need you to shoot him and bring him down... Yes, I chose you because you're a good archer ... I'll pay you if he's dead! Sure ..." he hangs up.

"Sooner I'll be King " He lay on his bed and practices how he'll wear the crown

"King who? King Alfred " he laughed hysterically.


Drums beating, music playing, people singing, dancing and throwing fireworks. No one has ever been so excited about the Festival of hot air balloons. It was the second-best function of the year after New years eve. People dressed beautifully and came out of their homes with fireworks and hopes of enjoying the night. So many games to play and food to eat, it was amazing indeed. Alfred peeped in outside the balcony and said to himself
"Ah my favourite holiday will soon turn to the best day of my life"

Sooner or later, everyone evacuated the castle and came outside. Including rudev and all the kids from knight school. They all met at a cliff where they could get a good view of the balloons.

"Let's hurry up, I'm missing the fun already," Dan said. They agreed with her and turned to rudev and Reuben. "Hopefully, this rivalry will stop, " Philip said 

"What!  I never considered Reuben a rival" rudev said. Reuben tisked and said 

"Ready to lose?" he bent down and took a stance. Rudev laughed quietly and replied "I'm guessing that's a soliloquy"

"You guys should come on, stop now, more action!" Philip said.

"Sure and with my arrow ..." she pulled it out as if she was bringing out a surprise " ... The arrow of will !" she exclaimed. They all gasped and gazed. They all wanted to touch it 

"How did you get that?" Priel asked. Everyone envied her even more 

"Are you sure you can still compete?" Philip asked  Reuben. This made everyone laugh but not Reuben"Of course " he replied 

Rudev flipped her hair and bent down too. 

"Get ready," Philip said.

Meanwhile, Alfred's hired archer had arrived and took his stance, he was also ready to aim for the king. If only poor rudev or any of the kids knew that the king was riding on it, literally no one knew except Sofia, Ephraim, Alfred and his hired archer.

"You ready?" Alfred stood at the balcony and beckoned to the archer. The King's balloon was the biggest and brightest and was their main target. But some people noticed a man was up in the balloon. Then a voice was heard with a speaker saying

"Everyone look, the King is in the hot air balloons !" Everyone saw him wave, unfortunately for the Kids who were not there.


"Ready!" They pulled out their arrows and pulled the string. It was the battle of the fittest, they put in all their attention. 

"Go!" Philip screamed

"Go," Alfred said to his archer simultaneously  

The arrows were released at the same time flying up into the sky. Everyone saw the arrows and thought it was part of the show.

"Three?" rudev wondered because she saw three arrows in the air instead of hers and Reuben's. They watched the arrows slowly but the king was in danger. Everything happened in slow motion, suddenly one of the arrows hit the king's chest.

"Bull's eye"Alfred muttered. The King's world fell apart, he slowly pulled out the arrow and looked at his blood. He bled profusely but no one could see him or take any action even if they did. His eyes slowly shut and he said his last word was"Rudev". He collapsed.

Rudev sensed danger within her, she became restless "No balloon burst so the both of you are losers" This didn't bother rudev because she couldn't understand what was bothering her. They all left in disappointment. Sofia noticed Ephraim was down so she screamed 

"My husband!" Sofia screamed. 

"Someone get him down ! " a man screamed.  As soon as he was brought down, he was attended to. "He's hit in the chest?" Sofia exclaimed. Her hands were trembling "Let's get him treated " she screamed even more. He was carried away to get treatment. The festival came to an abrupt end, everyone returned home worriedly but the children were on their beds obliviously to what had taken place. 

"Why do I feel bad?" rudev asked herself while laying on the bed. 

"Is it because I lost ?" she rolled on the bed and struggled to get some sleep.

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