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"So, where did that kid go?" The Si looked in every corner. Eve was hiding under a table where she could see SI's feet. She folded like a puppy and breathed uncontrollably. She could feel her sweat dripping from every corner. "What must I do?" she thought to herself. She Made no noise and waited for SI to give up, but SI didn't. Eve brought out the keys and threw them as far as possible to get SI away from there. SI turned and picked up the keys. "When I find that kid?" She walked away. Eve gave her enough trouble. For now, the least she could do was have her keys back. The dining hall issue didn't interest her again, she went to go rest. Eve fell flat on the floor, where she could receive a breeze. She felt relieved of anxiety.


"What do you want from me!" rudev yelled. She was scared. No one was around. She took steps backwards. "If you come any closer!" Zaga became irritated at the fact that rudev never seemed to keep shut. She grabbed rudev by the hand and pulled her closer, but rudev pushed her away. She began running towards the hall, but they followed her. Rudev was too tired. She tripped and fell, causing them to close the gap. Rudev struggled to get up. Zaga held Rudev up by her hair and stared into her soul.They both pounced on her"I need scissors!" Zaga yelled. The cook hurried to bring one."This is your hair that you flip so much...I'll cut it off"

Rudev screamed"NO! don't touch my hair" Everyone watched but no one offered to help her. Eve and Don weren't there and the rest were too scared to intervene.

"Please leave my hair!" rudev screamed. She struggled but was no match. they pinned her and brought out the scissors, rudev pleaded. "So you can beg," Dianne said. Rudev was shown no mercy, and zaga began cutting. A piece of her precious hair fell and landed slowly where rudev could see. Rudev screamed but her voice became inaudible, the atmosphere turned into a sad one, nothing was heard in the background ,and  everything happened so slow. Rudev struggled but her hair kept falling off, Tears were what rudev needed at the moment but she only felt pain in her guts. When they were done, they left her sitting there. Everyone pitied her and left, she sat down and crossed her legs alone in the centre of the hall.

She looked wan and bleary-eyed, she wasn't in her normal state of mind. She stared saying nothing wishing it was all a dream. She placed her hands on her head slowly and figured out she was now on a low cut. What was she going to flip now? Life was beginning to suck for poor rudev. 


"I wonder where rudev is ?" Eve walked in the dark. The lights were off and she couldn't see anything. "Rudev!" she whispered trying not to make too much noise. She entered the hall and called "Rudev!". Rudev didn't reply even when she was sitting right there. Eve saw a silhouette of rudev sitting in the dark. She walked up to her"Rudev" she said just to make sure it was her, rudev looked up ad stared at eve. "My hair is all gone now" she muttered. Eve didn't even notice, she gasped "Who did this to you?" She sat on the floor with rudev sobbing for her." Why aren't you crying?" she asked her. 

"I wish I could " was rudev's reply before she passed out. They both slept on the floor of the hall.


The next morning,

"What happened here!" Don yelled. There was another drama again in Don's room. Most people stood outside trying to see what was going on. Zaga Rasta, Dianne, Cook, Khalifa, Eve and Rudev were all in the same room. 

"It was them!" Eve pointed at Rasta and Dianne. Eve has learnt a lot from rudev lately and being bold was one of them.

"You cut her hair, why?" Khalifa asked. Rudev was still not herself, she sat on the bed lost in thoughts, she didn't sign up for all of this drama.

"Yes, I'm responsible...." Rudev interrupted Zaga saying "I'm just a child, I didn't want to be in jail. I was accused of killing my dad and  I am all on my own. If I ever made you mad..." she placed her hands together"...I'm sorry" They were all surprised by rudev's statement. Rudev continued her heartwarming speech "... I've always been a princess, my grandma would shout at me and call me rude but I never saw myself as that. I got everything I wanted and now I'm in jail, I thought I could live my life that way again. I can never get my Dad back and it's obvious, I'm never leaving here" Her speech made everyone emotional, it made them feel guilty.

"I'm sorry that I have been rude to you, I guess I have to understand that now I'm a prisoner and not a princess" She concluded. The silence in the room showed they all thought about what rudev said.

"I'm truly sorry" zaga broke the silence. Another shocker!   "I was just being selfish" she continued. 

"Please can you forgive us "Dianne said kneeling. Eve's eyes were teary, she has never seen so much integrity before and her admiration for rudev grew. The cook joined in pleading too. Rudev was not expecting all this. She smiled and said"You're my elders and my grandma would always say elders don't beg children" 

Rudev had done it again, Don was truly impressed. 

"What about your hair?" Zaga asked.

Rudev glanced at Don and replied"Now I look just like you" Of course everyone smiled. Eve hugged rudev and said"You're a good person, I wanted them to be punished"

"I know " rudev whispered. 

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