The Visit

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Rude and Eve were casually eating fruits when a warden walked up to her and said, "Rudev Mary?"

They looked up and stared at the woman." How can you not know who rudev Mary is?" rudev asked." I'm sorry, but I'm new here," the warden replied.

"Good, because I was about to remind you, "They both snickered, "I'm rudev Mary," rudev got up and followed her.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked 
"Someone is here to visit you..." the warden replied. Rudev was curious. She even ran faster than the warden and went to the visiting area, sat like an obedient child and sang to herself. She was so happy. "Who could it be?" 

Immediately, Priel got in and waved. Rudev got up from her seat and gasped, "Priel?" she hugged her. Priel didn't recognise rudev properly in her low cut, she looked skinny and unhealthy to her.

"What happened to you?" Priel asked, giving her a cup of cake. Rudev was too excited, then her excitement grew when Dan walked in. She pounced on him like a baby and didn't want to get down,

"Easy now" he giggled.

"You guys..." she sniffed. She was relieved and sat down next to them."You guys remembered me. I'm so glad grandma let you guys come"She savoured her cake and devoured it. Priel laughed at the way rudev ate it, "You look hungry"priel said bringing out more cakes.

Rudev didn't know when last she ate good food like this"I love you guys".Priel beamed even more when she blurted"Your dad is alive!"

Rudev choked on her cake and coughed. Prel gave her water to drink, rudev gulped the whole glass and turned to priel in shock."What do you mean by that?"rudev asked.

"Yes, your dad is alive" Priel stood.

"You saw him?"Both confusion and happiness were rudev's mixed emotions at this point.

"Do you know what you're saying?" Dan asked priel.

"Yes, I overheard dad saying that he couldn't finish the work he started with Ephraim!"Rudev stood up immediately "I don't  understand?"

Priel placed her hands on rudev's shoulder and explained "Remember your mum sent bedehouse attendants to take your dad away? it was for a good cause, they were able to revive him"

Rudev stood and gawked at her. She felt like a huge load was lifted from her shoulders, it was glorious. This news was the best she has ever heard in such a long time. Her face glowed and she broke down. She felt shackles leave her feet and chains from her heart, 

"My dad is alive!" she screamed. She smiled and called again"He's alive!" "I'm not a murderer!"

Priel and dan calmed her down.

"Yes but please relax, my dad is about to finish what he couldn't accomplish so you have to stop him."The wardens then came in "Visiting hours are over"

They sighed.

"So Alfred tried to kill my dad?"rudev asked.

"Yes. listen we don't have much time, he's already gone, so you have to go after him..."The wardens took them out. Rudev ran after them screaming"Where!"

"The outskirts of Persia!"Priel replied. Rudev was so happy, this news was so good. She jumped up and screamed, "I'm not a murderer!"

"I knew it was Alfred all along, I knew he wasn't good" She ran in dancing and jumping.

"Looks like someone is happy ?"eve asked. Rudev grabbed her by the arm and spinned around the room.

"Ok, I'm feeling dizzy"eve muttered. She let her go and jumped on her bed."Look what I found out..."eve waited patiently for rudev to spill the beans" dad is alive" she whispered.

Eve widened her eyes and smiled"Are you serious" she gasped. Rudev nodded. She explained" my uncle! he's the bad man, he tried to kill my dad but my mom somehow thought of an amazing idea! he's in the outskirts of Persia! and he's breathing" she frowned and sat down " but why would my uncle do that?"  eve knelt down and tapped her" we have to find a way to stop your  uncle from really killing him this time around not thinking about why he did it"

"But how? Where in here and he's out there..."rudev asked.

"I know"eve smiled sinisterly. Rudev didn't get at first but she nodded and went ahead with the plan.


"So your dad is still alive? and you want us to help you get out of here..." Don says.

"Yes, help me one last time before you leave "rudev pleaded

"Fine! I'll help you"Don replied. Rudev and eve gave each other hi-fives.

"But it would be difficult to escape now ..." Khalifa added.

"Yeah, since the mafia were arrested, we have been assigned, new wardens. These ones will be tough"Zaga agreed with khalifa.
Eve looked at rudev. rudev did the same"it's my fault"rudev said

There was silence for a while then Don said"We'll help rudev nevertheless, she has to save her dad and clear her name"

Rudev smiled "We might have new wardens but we do not have new cooks" she winked at them. Don stood up and clapped"Good, so we have a plan then"

"Yes but we need the blueprint of the prison, it has to be a flawless plan" eve added. She continued
"I know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy... and this guy nows another guy ..." They glared at eve for her to come to the point."...There's always one guy who has everything in jail" 

"Who?" khalifa asked.

"Naomi" Eve replied. They all agreed and shook on it.

"I won't disappoint you and that's a promise, "Don concluded.

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