The Ambush

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"Who could this be?" Amira cried.

"Grandma, dad would be alright, we just have to find out who our new threat is "rudev comforted her. Sofia stood gazing. She tore the letter and threw it away.

Everyone became shocked "Mum, what did you do that for? "Rudev asked.

Sofia sat on her throne and said "This is just a bluff, I don't believe this. Who would dare threaten our family?"

"I agree with aunt, "Joza said.

"All I want is my son back!" Amira screamed.

"Mum, stop worrying, we would get Ephraim back," Sofia said. Even in Sofia's attempt to look bold, she was still deep down worried and terrified.


The next morning, they all sat in the living room sulking except Sofia, she came downstairs and met them.

"Hello, I know you guys are sad but this person didn't give us another reply or clue, pls don't be like this all day, "She said softly.

Amira stood up and walked up to her "Sofia, you assured me that my son would be back but where is he? Are you not even bothered!"

Sofia sighed and replied holding amira's shoulders gently "What do you want me to do? Did they give us an address to come to pick him up? or did they tell us who they are? Listen, if they're serious, then they'll send another letter giving us more information."

"Mum has point, "rudev said.

"I'm glad you're seeing this from my perspective"Sofia replied.

Immediately two women came in arguing, they looked like they already fought one another. Everyone turned to them, Sofia became irritated"How do you people manage to barge in here without the guards stopping you!"She called for the guards and said"Why are you not performing your duties!"

The guards stood without uttering a word.

"All you three have lost your positions, now you'll be replaced with new knights," Sofia said. The guards tried to plead"I'm sorry your majesty but these women fought their way into here"

"So they're now stronger than you?"Joza added.

"What are you now trained for, if these women could overpower you"Amira also added.

Sofia sat on her throne and dismissed them."What do you ladies want?"

"Is one of you perhaps pregnant ?"Dan asked, this comment made Rudev snicker.

The women began explaining
"She set my Land on fire  this morning!"

The other lady pointed"Only because she's owing me three hundred thousand shekels since the past three months"

"I told you I'll pay when I have the money"

Sofia rubbed her forehead slowly and said"Enough"

Sofia's verdict was always terrifying, she continued"Since you, two took matters into your own hands, what's the point of reporting to me"

The ladies continued "She burnt my land!"

"She's still owing me money "

Sofia stood and replied "You're going to pay her three hundred thousand shekels" she faced the other lady and continued"When she pays you, use the money and get her a new land"

The decision was final and it made perfect sense, they were dismissed and soon orderliness was returned again.

The family spent the day worrying about their dad, they anticipated more letters but none came. Instead, they had uninvited guests later in the night.

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