Goodbyes and revelations

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They all returned to jail in no time.

As soon as they got in, eve screamed "Rudev!"

Rudev was nowhere to be seen. All the other prisoners came out and welcomed them."Rudev, I'm back. It's me...."

"...eve!" Rudev immediately ran out as fast as possible when she heard that. She stopped halfway and smiled. The joy in her eyes was unimaginable. She jumped and continued running. Eve also closed the gap, and they both hugged each other.

The atmosphere became lively, rudev broke the hug slowly, and said "You made it "

She hugged her even more." I'll tell you all about it, "eve replied.

Delilah coughed to get rudev's attention. Rudev noticed her and giggled. "You too,    " she hugged her. "What happened to your eyes?" 

"Um, a long story "Delilah replied.

"Well, at least we now know that this will never repeat itself," Rudev said out loud. She turned to the crowd and screamed "Say no more to trafficking!"

They all raised their hands and chorused"Say no more to trafficking!"Everything was going well for rudev until Don walked toward her and said"At least I know that when I'm gone. I'll be replaced with a smart, sensible and courageous girl like you..."

Rudev turned and stared at her "Gone?" she muttered. 

Don held back tears and nodded. Rudev could not understand what Don meant but she knew it didn't sound good"What do you mean by going ?" she asked.

"My term has been completed now, I'm afraid I'll be leaving next week "Don replied. 

Rudev became overwhelmed and had an inner meltdown. Her knees buckled, and she felt a really deep hole in her chest"You're leaving " she muttered.

She collapsed slowly but Don broke her fall and carried her in her arms.
"You can't be serious "she struggled to say. Her voice felt heavy and she felt like the whole world was placed on her back" Why does this happen to me, why do I always lose people in my life" she asked Cringely. Her face moulded like she was about to cry.

"It was an honour to meet someone like you in my life, I like you rudev. You have opened new doors in this jail and you have done what others couldn't, you're a blessing in disguise and believe me, every single soul here wants to be like you"Don replied 

"That's true rudev" eve said softly.

Don dropped rudev down but rudev still looked sad. She sniffed and said"It will be selfish of me  not to let you have your freedom. You Deserve It, you'll get to have a new life and finally be useful out there" Rudev said with her faint voice, wiping her face as if any tears came out of her eyes.

Don knelt and beamed, she also felt reluctant to leave.


Amira was knitting cloth when the telephone rang.

"Can someone please get that !" she yelled. Alfred came downstairs and picked up the phone"Hello..."

"Is this queen Sofia?"The voice replied.

Alfred became irritated and replied "We have no queen Sofia,"

The voice continued"This is from the bedehouse  attendants, the queen admitted the king here some months ago "

"Yes, so what ?!" he yelled. Amira turned to him in shock "Calm down, would you?" she said and continued her knitting,

Alfred glanced at her with an irritating look, he looked back at the phone and continued "So what?" 

The voice replied saying"He's alive and we would like you to come and take his body..."Alfred froze, the whole room rotated around him. He dropped the phone and zoned out. Amira looked at him"Are you okay?" she became concerned.

Alfred was not in his senses, fear gripped him and on top of that, he didn't know what to do.

He picked up the phone with his trembling hands and replied"Where can I come and pick him up ?" 

"At the outskirts of Persia"The voice replied. Alfred hung up and ran upstairs. He went to his room and slammed the door. Priel heard it and walked towards his room"Is Dad okay?" she asked herself. She decide to knock but she heard him screaming and slamming things on the wall.

"That good for nothing Sofia! she has done it again! she ruined my plans "He picked up his phone angrily and dialled a number


He interrupted the voice immediately"You fool! don't hello me!. I gave you one task, just one and you failed miserably. How could the king survive?"

Priel standing outside his door was stunned when she heard that, she placed her hands to cover her mouth and continued eavesdropping.

"...And we all know I just framed that brat rudev for killing her dad, now she might get released if he wakes up. I now need to clean up your mess!" He hung up and paced around in frustration. Priel was still in utter disappointment after overhearing that, she managed to flee from the scene unnoticed.

The next day.

Priel, Dan and Joza were playing in the sitting room when Amira walked in. "Where is your dad?" amira asked.

"He left "Joza replied. 

Priel became scared, she knew it would take days before her dad reached the outskirts but she still needed to do something about it.

She faced amira"Grandma, I miss rudev..." The  sound of that name made amira bark"How dare you  mention that despicable name in my house again!"

"You might not accept her as your grandchild but that's what she is, "Dan said ." And I miss my cousin "priel began to sob.

Amira felt guilty and replied "Fine. The guards will escort you to meet your cousin"

"What about you, Joza?"Amira asked.

"Nope!' he replied. That was expected because rudev and Joza haven't really been the best of cousins.

"Okay then" amira replied.

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