Prison break{1}

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Rudev flanked by khalifa, zaga and eve walked into a room. They walked up to a lady sleeping on the floor.

"Wake up!" Zaga yelled.

The lady struggled to open her eyes. Zaga's voice sent chills down her spine. She opened her eyes gradually. "Who's there?" she muttered.

Zaga wanted to yell again but rudev pulled her hands telling her to calm down "I'm sorry but it's me rudev. I need your help..."

"Oh, my bad," she immediately gets up. She glanced at the faces, looking at her and expecting her to be quick. She bowed and greets them"Khalifa,zaga ... rudev and eve"

"You're Naomi?" khalifa asked 

"Yes, what pleasure do I owe this honourable visit?"Naomi replied.

"We need something from you..."eve stepped forward."You're always needing something you fox" she replied eve.

"It's for me, "rudev said."I need the blueprints of the entire prison"

Naomi chuckled and replied"I don't have that " Zaga immediately lifted her by her shoulders, Naomi panicked and stuttered"I was... just ..kid...ding, just kidding "she laughed and pleaded.

"Good!"Khalifa beckoned to zaga to put her down

"I know you always have everything"eve said. Naomi immediately glared at her and slowly opened her bed"I always have everything". Underneath her bed had lots of stuff, call it trash or junk but there were a pile of useful things.

"No wonder you don't sleep on your bed"rudev snickered. 

Naomi ransacked her stuff until she brought out a piece of paper She felt reluctant to bring it out but had no choice.

"I'm been saving this for a while now," She said. Eve immediately burst into laughter- the kind that can irritate someone- "So you think you alone can use the blueprints to escape from here, "eve said still laughing.

Naomi became pissed and yelled at her"Oh shut up child!"

Eve turned mute but it was obvious she was still laughing. Rudev stretched out her hands and took the paper. She examined it in the light and said to Naomi"Thanks. We'll make sure to return it to you "

"What do you want to use it for?"Naomi asked.

Zaga then snaped "Mind your business!"

Naomi trembled and solely laid back down.


During dinner on the grand table, Khalifa laid down the blueprint on the table, she clears her throat and begins"As you can see we'll have three disturbances on rudev's path. One will be the three guards at the front door then we'll have the guard at the lighthouse and finally the guards at the big gate."

"Let's not forget the ones that will be roaming the jail..."Don added.

They all nodded.

"Sounds like a plan to me so now I have  just one request..."Rudev said turning to each of them.

"What?"Eve shrugged.

"My arrow  ... the arrow of will, the SI seized it from me and I'm not leaving without it" she replied. They looked confused but had to agree with her 

"Sure... we'll get that too" Don replied. Rudev smiled and hugged them one after the other."I'll never forget this favour. I love you guys so much"

"And we love you too"Eve concluded.


Later that night, they began their operation. It was dinner time and everyone was in their line, as usual, the hall was crowded and noisy, this gave their plan a good setting. Once they were all in position to initiate the first phase, Zaga beckoned to one of the prisoners to play her role. The lady got the signal, stood up and walked into the centre of the hall. She waited for a short while till everyone noticed her, she then collapsed. 

"Oh no! someone gets the SI!"Khalifa screamed. So many women got up and rushed all at once to pass across the information while the rest gathered around the collapsed lady. They rumbled and murmured and tried to revive her, the SI came later on and attended to the lady.

"How did this happen," she asked looking at the faces of curious prisoners. Rudev then turned to eve, eve knew she was next so she nodded and walked towards the SI.

"What if she recognises me from the last time, "eve thought to her self but the thought of disappointing rudev made her focus. Eve was too good for a street pickpocket, she could steal anything without getting noticed. She gradually walked past the SI and dipped her hands smoothly into the SI's pocket and took out keys. The SI oblivious to what just happened was still on the ground attending to the lady. Eve breathed heavily once she got past the SI, she gave rudev thumbs up, rudev immediately followed eve away.

They both ran to the SI's room"No time to waste"Rudev said.

They were both scared but had to do the needful. eve opened the door slowly and they both peeped and examine the room shortly before getting in.

"Oh boy, we must not get caught"eve muttered.

They immediately began ransacking the room searching every locker, table, corner or chair." How does it look like?" eve asked opening a drawer. Rudev immediately stopped and stared in the air recalling when her dad gave it to her.

"It's golden brown, with precious stones all over it. It's kinda heavy but it looks like magic, its...." eve interrupted her imagination

"Found it!" she lifted her hand in the air.

It was it, The arrow of will! Rudev gawked at it for a very long time. It has been a while since she arched, and the arrow was the best gift she had ever received. She was too happy...

"...Rudev, let's leave now!"eve said snapping her out of her imaginary world.

"What about the room"Rudev suggested. They both shared a terrified glance and chorused"Oh!oh!"

They immediately began to arrange the room"We have to be fast"rudev muttered. Eve scoffed and replied "Thanks but I think I know that!"

As soon as they were done 

"You think she'll notice the difference?"rudev asked eve. They stared at the room which didn't even look half as to how they met it.

They fell flat on the ground but it did take them seconds to realise that they were still In the room,

"Let's get out of here, "rudev said. They jumped up and ran out of the room closing the door behind.

"How are we going to return the keys?"eve asked. Rudev replied with a glare.

"Hey, I steal things not return them, "eve said in her defence.

"Fine. I'll do it " rudev and eve returned just in time. The SI was getting up slowly, eve punched rudev to drop the keys. Rudev panicked and slid them on the floor underneath the SI. It was meant to look like it dropped but the keys made a noise that calmed the hall down. Everyone's heard the sound and stared at it. Rudev and eve's blood turned cold and their skin hairs stood up.

They were both terrified. Their heartbeat increased faster, they shared a nervous glance and gulped fear.

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