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Rudev and eve stood on the stairs looking at the jaguar placed on the top shelf.

"Go eve, you got this," rudev whispered."But your aunt, she's sitting right there," Eve replied.

"So? you're a professional," rudev replied.

"I steal things. I don't perform magic!" Eve said.

"Fine" rudev sighed."I'll create a diversion. " She walked downstairs and loitered.

Sofia was too busy worrying to even notice her,rudev was out of ideas. Rudev sighed deeply and sat in the chair.

Sofia finally turned to her and asked, "What do you want?"

Rudev got up hurriedly and replied, "Mum, I'm concerned about your well-being, do you need to talk?"

Eve tip-toed using rudev's distraction and walked to the shelf. Rudev saw her and stifled her smile in order not to give Sofia any room for doubt.

"I'm fine rudev" Sofia replied trying to rest back but she would see eve that way. Rudev panicked and pulled her mum up forcefully "Mum, I won't leave till you share your thoughts with me!"

Sofia knew rudev was acting awkward, Eve, on the other hand, managed to pick up the jaguar but the dust on the shelf caused her to sneeze softly.

Rudev immediately sneezed out loud before Sofia could even look back." I have a cold..."rudev muttered.

"Cold? in this part of the world?"Sofia replied.

"Allergies"rudev replied. Sofia definitely knew she was up to something, she pretended not to care, she then said"Tell your friend eve to please drop my jaguar for me..."Rudev became  surprised and impressed at the same time

Eve stuck her head out from the back of the chair and said"Sorry Queen Sofia"

Sofia walked towards her and snatched the Jaguar, she then turned to rudev"Stop playing with me, I'm not the one"Rudev remained speechless, Sofia returned the Jaguar back and left.

"Your mum will definitely suspect something, she's too smart, "eve said, 

"At this point, I don't know what to do"Rudev concluded.

Later that day, Dan gathered about twenty knights to follow him to Sodom to perform Sofia's wish.

"If you guys don't make it..."Priel sighed and acted like she was emotional . she then continued"I'm taking your room Dan" she smiled. Dan wasn't expecting that.

"Why would you say that?"rudev asked.

"What ? the people of sodom might have you guys killed for trespassing,"priel replied.

Joza came out with the remaining bags while eve helped him pack them in the chariot. Sofia stepped out and said"That won't be necessary, Dan will make it out alive" 

"Please I need you guys in one piece," Joza said hugging Dan."I'll make sure I come back alive" Dan replied.

"Dad..." noa said on the verge of crying."Please come back safely" David added. Dan felt emotional and hugged them.

"Please take care of Shira, tell her I'll be back soon," Dan said.

He entered the chariot and waved them bye.


The next morning,priel went to amira's room to check up on her.

"Good morning Grandma," she said to an unconscious body. She sighed and took out a bath and water and washed amira's body thoroughly with a towel.

"Dan will go and solve our problems for us, he'll return and peace will reign again," she said. Immediately she heard Sofia screaming"Joza!"

Priel panicked and spilt the water on amira's body."Oh! oh! I'm such a klutz"

She immediately got up and ran out"Joza!Rudev.Where did these children go?"

"Good morning aunt..."Priel said smiling. 

Sofia looked at her and replied, "Have you seen Joza or rudev, I need them to get something for me..."

Priel coughed and said"Well, rudev and Joza went out for knight training.

Sofia replied"hmmmmm"

"Okay then you go do the errand for me" Sofia added. Priel became dumbfounded, she then rushed out"Aunt I'll be sure to go get Joza and rudev for you"

Sofia couldn't believe priel, she smiled and sat down.

 Rudev and eve were practising sword fighting and rudev seemed exceptionally good at it. eve was impressed, she said, "you still got it?"

rudev smiled and said "You've underestimated me too much, okay give me a challenge"

eve  nodded and looked at all the knights one after the other"You don't mind facing a man, do you?"

"I'm afraid not"Joza interfered. They both turned to him and asked"What do you mean by that?"

"My men would beat you"Joza replied rudev.

"Oh really?"Eve replied with a smug on her face.

"Let me see, I'll give you the worst of my knights, "Joza said. "She'll beat them nevertheless"eve replied. Joza smirked and turned to look for her opponent, he then spotted an unfamiliar face."I don't know who that is but he seems like an opponent"

Joza walked toward the knights and conversed with them for a while.

Eve turned to rudev and said" I know you've got this. okay? That man doesn't stand a chance"

Rudev smiled confidently and replied with a nod.

Joza beckoned to them"Rudev, you ready?!" he screamed from afar.

Rudev ran towards the field.Her and her competitor put their helmet back on and pulled out their swords and held their shield. Her opponent was given a black shield while she had a silver shield.  They both paced around the field in slow motion. A huge bell was rung initiating the match. Eve sighed and watched carefully. Rudev watched her opponent, they both ran and attacked each other in fury,  the other knight managed to get rudev laying on the floor. Eve became anxious, she  stood up and bit her nails"Common rudev, you got this!"
Joza glanced at her and smiled.

Rudev got back up and continued fighting, she became furious this time around, she hit the other knight so hard, that the knight fell flat on the floor.

The fight went on and on, anytime rudev landed on the ground, eve would close her eyes. The fight became super exciting towards the end. Rudev was doing super impressive for a girl. The fight was in her control now, the other opponent was down. Rudev walked towards him to end the fight by placing her feet on him. The opponent crawled backwards holding his shield to protect himself. As soon as she got too close to him, he lifted his legs and kicked her in the face so hard.

"That's not fair!" Rudev yelled.

The man continued kicking her brutally, this went against the rules of the match. Joza and eve stood up to go stop him, she was in serious pain. The other knights screamed, "Stop!"

The man drew out his sword to finish her off. "Is this part of the game?" she muttered."Ok I give up, just let me go" she screamed. But the man didn't listen, he tried to stab her but Joza knocked him out from behind.

Eve helped her up and took her to the bench to dress her wounds"Are you okay?" she asked.

"That man is crazy, where did you guys get him from, it was just an honest match, why did he want to kill you?" Eve asked.

Rudev didn't have answers to her questions, she turned to see what they did to him. Joza and his knights surrounded him and beat him up"Why did you try to kill her!"Joza screamed.

"I'm sorry, I was just doing what they sent me to..." the man cried. Joza froze and ordered his men to stop.

He bent down and asked, "Who sent you?"

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