Bearer of Dad news

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The next morning, the castle was quiet. Everyone except the kids sat in the living room looking scared and worried. Amira was already crying and being consoled while Sofia stood looking pale. The children woke up and walked downstairs hurriedly, but walked slowly when they saw everyone looking bad. 

"What's wrong?" Priel asked 

Dan shrugged and turned to rudev "What's happening?" Rudev became tensed immediately. She looked around, hoping to find her dad or mom. She ran to Sofia and took her hands. " Mom? What's happening?" Sofia cracked up a smile and said, 

"Nothing is wrong, child. " She patted her head. Rudev wasn't buying it. She turned and looked for her dad. "Dad?" she looked around. Everyone looked at her with anxiety 

"Your dad is coming home with Alfred," Sofia replied with faith. Suddenly the sitting-room door opened, Alfred came in. Just the man they wanted to see, Sofia and Amira walked up to him impatiently. "Where's Ephraim?" Amira asked.  Then some men came in with a portable bed, a corpse was laying on it but it was covered with a plain white sheet. Sofia's heart raced fast when she saw it, she couldn't believe her eyes. Was she a widow now?

"What's the meaning of this?!" Amira screamed. It was obvious she was losing her sanity. Rudev and the other kids knew something was wrong. Rudev pulled her mom's gown 

"Where's dad? You said he was coming back with uncle ?" this time her voice felt weak. Sofia was too stunned to give a reply, after all, what would she say to poor rudev, she hasn't even calmed herself down. Amira yelled again but Alfred being a good actor just stood faking being remorseful. Amira fell flat on the ground, rudev ran to Alfred and asked "Where's dad?" she looked behind him hoping to find him, Alfred pulled her in and knelt down

He said these words softly"You're dad is in a better place " Rudev and the whole family were gobsmacked. It shook them all

"What does that mean ?" Joza asked priel 

"Is uncle dead?" priel asked her dad.

That was the last thing Rudev wanted to hear. Her knees buckled, she wanted to cry so bad but tears wouldn't come out. She refused to believe it, she ran towards the corpse and pulled the sheets out. Behold, there he was lying, her world fell before her eyes. It was so unbearable to see her dad's corpse. Sofia saw how rudev froze like a block of wood staring at her dad. Only if looks could bring him back to life. Sofia ran and hugged the corpse, everyone burst into tears except rudev. Sofia reacted crazily but nothing compared to amira. Amira held Alfred's collar"Why couldn't you save him!!"

Alfred felt irritated but didn't respond. The noise everyone made was too much. Rudev stood looking wishing to cry, millions of thoughts ran through her head, she looked at everyone mourning in their way. Sofia stopped and turned to rudev, she knew it was even more worse for rudev. She walked up to her and said 

"Rudev please cry now so you won't suffer so bad " Rudev turned to her and wiped her mom's tears, she applied it on her face and said "How to wish I could " Sofia hugged her after hearing this remembering rudev's disability to cry. Rudev walked up to the corpse and said a few words 

"If tears could bring you back then I would force myself to cry"she sniffed "I'm suffering right now dad, why did you have to go ?" she hit the corpse hoping he would move. Alfred had to put an end to all this drama

"I have to take him now " he pulled rudev away and threw her on the floor because she struggled too hard. She watched him leave, she walked out sniffing and cleaning her tears.


Rudev was standing in the train station with her dad. "Where are we going dad?" she asked 

 "We can't miss the train !" he took her hands and they hurried towards it. There was congestion and a lot of people blocked their path. They struggled to get through, in the process, her dad let go of rudev's hands and got on the train. 

"Dad!  " she called out to him. The train started departing 

"Dad! help me!" but he stood smiling at her 

"I trust you more than I trust myself, I will never leave you!" he yelled. 

"But you're leaving me right now ..." she muttered. She watched the train leave, she was stranded. The train exploded 

"Dad!" She screamed before she woke up from her dream.

Sofia attended to her "Are you okay ?" 

Rudev sighed, she wasn't. 

"I know your dad is dead now but we'll survive, ok " She hugged her softly and sobbed. Sofia walked up to the landline and dialled the hospital's number 

"Hello..." she had a long conversation with them but rudev couldn't understand why. 

During the day, amira discussed with Alfred regarding the autopsy of the body." I would like to know what killed him " she said 

Alfred coughed deeply at the sound of that "It was an arrow" he replied.                                     "Good, now go to the site and bring back evidence to find the murderer" amira replied. She sipped her tea slowly, the doorbell rang again

"I'll get it," Sofia said and walked to the door. It was the bedehouses attendants; hospitals in medieval times, they entered and greeted everyone. This shocked amira and Alfred of course

"What are you doing here ?" amira asked 

"I called them " Sofia replied

 "They're here to take my husband's body " she continued and directed them.                                          "What for? we have to bury him!" amira objected.

"I don't want him buried, that's all," she replied. She directed them to lift him up 

"How dare you !" Alfred said to Sofia, he didn't  like the idea 

"If anyone and I mean anyone ! has a problem with what I do to my husband then they should just sit back and watch! I decide what happens next !" Sofia said with seriousness. The family was surprised, where did she get the confidence from?. They took the body away and no one did anything about it.

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