Ephraim's return

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Rudev's hair had grown back, but not as long as it was before. She still had the same attitude as when she was a child. Bold, blunt, courageous and confident. Rudev's beauty remained intact, but she was not always performing girl's duties, she's an arriviste always focusing on training with the knights. This made her the second most feared lady after Sofia. Rudev and Joza have never been the best of cousins since when they were children, but they grew stronger as they grew up.

"Rudev, don't disturb me. I'm trying not to look at the fact that you snuck out her although mum told you not to....." rudev interrupted him"...She's not your mum!"

Joza sneered and looked away."Don't you feel ashamed. You wanted to kill this man for no good reason and now you stand here calling my mum your mum..." she continued.

Joza screamed at her but she shot him up saying "Don't you dare raise your voice at me!"

Joza became even more upset and walked towards her in a rage, but she didn't budge. She wasn't scared of him at all."What do you want to do !" she glared at him.

Joza pointed his hands at her but unfortunately, Dan arrived just in time to stop the drama."You two better stop all of this!" He got down and approached them. Both rudev and Joza turned to him, they didn't look happy with him inferring their fight.

He hugged them both and said"I'll try to stop you both from killing yourselves"

"But this girl is so invading..."Joza argued. "I'm just stopping you from making wrong decisions" she replied.

Dan turned to rudev and said, "Your dad is coming back today".Rudev gasped and covered her mouth, she was glad. It has been three months since Ephraim travelled, that wasn't new because he travelled a lot. Dan managed to change the topic to "We have to go  home and welcome him"

Rudev nodded in excitement but Joza wasn't moved by the news at all.


Joza, Dan and rudev returned home together but that was a bad decision because Sofia was going to see Rudev.

And exactly that happened. Sofia was stunned when she saw Rudev coming in with the men." Rudev?" she said. Rudev froze and gulped fear, she didn't take another step.

Sofia walked towards her and asked, "You went to knight school again? didn't you ?"Rudev stood in silence gawking at her mum, she never looked at sofia the same way as loving and kind but now with fear. She began mumbling but nothing she said made sense so Joza helped her to reply and said"Yes!"

Rudev knew she was done for at this moment, Sofia raised her hands and slapped rudev on the cheek. This happened in front of the gates, now everyone could see it. Rudev placed her hands on her cheek in shock, the pain she felt was emotionally not physical.

"I've warned you to stop going to knight school!"Sofia shouted."Mum...I cant. I love training with the knights and fighting and I'm good at arching too, everyone knows that. What the big deal?"Rudev replied.

This reply only pissed Sofia more, she was about to hit her again but Dan stopped her. Dan had become reasonable now, a gentleman. He's now twenty-five years old, he has a fiance now and adopted twins. He was very hardworking and calm and was rudev's favourite brother.

"Mum talk to rudev, she's no longer a child," he said calming Sofia down but Sofia was still furious," I told you that you're grown now and females don't engage in those activities. Stop disobeying me!".

"Mum, what is wrong if I attend knight school, does it stop me from being a woman..."This question made everyone murmur. Rudev continued "You have changed the system in our kingdom in such a way that you're the only woman that matters and all others should remain housewives and useless"Rudev gave them more reason to be gobsmacked including Sofia.

"Mum your new lifestyle is only favouring yourself! Honestly, I'm not a child and I can see whatever goes wrong here"rudev added.

Sofia stared at rudev not saying a word but her look had many meanings.

"Rudev, as far as you are my child, I get to tell you what to do," Sofia said.

Rudev shook her head and was about to reply when Amira's voice was heard from afar ."What is going on here?" she is seen coming out with Ephraim from a chariot. They had just arrived, rudev and sofia paused and looked at her ,rudev smiled when she saw her dad, she ran and hugged him.

"Dad" she gushed. Ephraim hugged her too and gave her his bags to carry. The whole drama was put to an abrupt end and they all welcomed Ephraim. The citizens looked extremely happy to see him because he was their true king. They prefered him to Sofia because he was understanding and never used the act to rule them.

'Hail the King!" they cheered. He smiled and waved to them. Sofia hugged him and took his other bags."Hello, my queen " he said greeting Sofia. Sofia giggled and replied"Hello my king"

"Greetings father"Joza and Dan bowed. Priel was seen running screaming"Uncle!"

She hugged him as well and took his other bags.

Ephraim's return lightened up the mood and they all felt relieved to see him.


Ephraim got in and laughed out loud "We have done it again!"

They also smiled because they knew what he was referring to."Really?"Sofia smiled. Ephraim took one of the bags from priel. opened it and brought out a golden jaguar. It was small but slightly heavy, but its worth was it all. It was pure gold and their kingdom had just won it.

They all stared at it in awe and gasped."Can I touch it"priel asked stretching out her hands but joza gave her a look that made her remain quiet.

"What do you want to touch?..." Amira asked her."...You're always touching stuff and then not returning it, just like you did to my necklace" amira added. This comment made them all laugh. Immediately ...

"Grandpa!"David and Noa chorused. They both ran out and hugged him. David and Noa are Dan's adopted twins. Noa is a girl and David is a boy, they're both ten years old.

"Oh, I forgot Dan adopted these two " Ephraim giggled.

"Better get used to us, "Noa said.

"Even dad forgets us sometimes, "David said.

"Me?" Dan said. They all laughed even more. They were so cute but behind the cuteness lied hidden agendas.

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