Kingpin or not?

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Don became interested in rudev's game. How she is that good in just some mins of watching? The cards were shared. Rudev took her cards and looked at them as if she knew what she was doing. Dianne won the first round, which was highly expected. Eve felt this chill run down her spine. Rudev was in a lot of trouble. She had never felt so trapped. Dianne grinned and shared the next cards. As much as rudev knew she was done for, she could never just keep shut.

"I was just learning from you, "she said. Everyone wanted to see what she had installed. Eve became paranoid. She knew rudev couldn't play that well. Rudev took a card from the market pile with no one noticing. "Be smart," rudev said. 

Diane played, then rudev.

"Be clever, "she said again. Dianne played her master card, thinking she had the upper hand. Rudev smiled sinisterly and threw her cards on the table, signifying she had one." I can't dull myself, "she concluded. The exact advice eve gave her earlier was Eve's words. Everyone gasped. Dianne couldn't believe it, and neither could Eve. She went through her cards to make sure rudev won.

Everyone surprisingly cheered for rudev. Don was too impressed, they shared the cards again."You're a good kid but let me see if you can make it to the next round ?" Dianne said. The game got even more interesting, this time rudev wasn't going to lose. She already knew how to play. She laughed at her cards, this made Dianne nervous 

"What? scared?"rudev crossed her legs and sighed deeply. Dianne nervousness got the better of her, she made mistakes and changed her good plan to another one. Rudev tisked when she saw how sweaty Dianne was. "Chill out, you'll just lose one house pet " rudev giggled.

Dianne became scared and played carelessly "Did you do that? " rudev asked, she threw her cards on the table and stood up. She had just won, the lounge became oddly quiet, so many gazing faces and looks. How could she have won? Dianne flipped the table in frustration

"We have a winner!" Khalifa screams. Everyone had to clap, this was amazing. Eve ran and hugged rudev, "How?" 

Rudev winked at her.


Khalifa walked into a room at night, she was escorted by some ladies who took her to see the Don. The Don was sitting on a bed flanked by two other ladies who gave her a massage. 

"Yes, Don. You sent for me "khalifa said.

"Well, yes. That girl rudev, I want you to find out everything there is to know about her and I also would like to meet her"

Khalifa nodded and walked away.

"So you're now a kingpin, "Eve said to rudev                                                                                            "Maybe... Yes... I think " rudev shrugged. Eve punched her softly in the shoulder "You don't have to be formal, you know?"   Rudev forced a smile and nodded.                                                                       "I didn't want to be a kingpin, you know?. All I just wanted was to help you out of that situation"Rudev said softly. Eve smiled and hugged her. Rudev was happy, she never really had a friend outside in the Persia, eve made her feel important.

"You'll have to understand that you're now a Kingpin, great power comes great responsibilities. People will look up to you now and some will despise you, make sure you put your head in the game because now, you're being watched. Try as much as possible to have so many housepets, this will help in your survival journey"Eve advised her. Rudev smouldered and replied "Sure"

The next morning, everyone queued up for breakfast, another day for rudev. Rudev was doing alright, she had just become a kingpin, what was the worst that could happen?

"The line is long, let's do it my way "eve said to rudev. Rudev slapped her hands and ordered her to stop."No more stealing! I'll handle this"Eve groaned and complained"That cook lady is so mean, she complains about everything "They both stared at a fat lady holding a spatula, she served the food quickly with fury, she screamed at every mistake and would wipe her sweat often.

"If you come late, she won't give you any food, coming early is worse because you'll end up having your food late.No one uses utensils anymore..."eve says pointing at people using their hands to eat.

Rudev raised one of her eyebrows and asks"Why?"

Eve points at a large bowl containing numerous utensils"That bowl is very big but as big as it is, you won't still find what you're looking for to eat your meal. Everyone will scream behind you and diss you for wasting their time"

"You worry too much, just ask the lady to help"rudev replied.

"She'll never agree, ok let's try it out. You be you and I'll be her"Eve tries to imitate the cook. Rudev coughs and began her role"Maam, I need a spoon but can't find any"

"Listen, Kid, just step out of the line. I don't have all day"Eve replies

"Pretty please ..." rudev pleaded.

Eve sighs and continues"If I find it, what will I do to you ?"She glared at rudev.

"Is that a threat?" rudev asked. Eve jumps and quits her role"Yes, she'll threaten you and that can't be good!... She'll threaten us and who knows what? she can poison us for all we know "

Rudev laughed and replied"You're too much, I'll handle it "

When it got to their turn, eve looked at rudev still pleading with her not to do anything stupid. Rudev was too stubborn, she always wanted to have it her way.

RUDEV MARYحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن