Rigid condition

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Later that day,priel was getting ready to go out. She seemed to be in a hurry.

"Where are you going?" Shira startled her.

Priel looked at her and smiled "I'm going to go get Noa and David, I sent them to go hang out with friends, our family's current situation is stressing all of us and I didn't want the kids to be bothered"

Shira nodded and thought for a while "How about I go get them"

Piel turned to her. She felt relieved immediately. "Really?"

"Yes. I want them to like me more, so I'll try my best," she patted Priel and walked away. Priel jumped on her bed happily, but it didn't last long.

Shira screamed from downstairs,priel jumped up and gasped."What could go wrong now?"

She ran to the balcony and saw two sacks, she became confused. She ran down and asked Shira "What's that?"

Shira was seriously trembling, so priel opened the sacks by herself and what she saw took the daylights out of her.

It was noa and David lying unconscious,priel removed them from the sacks and cried "Someone please get help!"

Shira ran out to look for help, she screamed the guards' names and told them to get Hakims immediately.


Eve and Joza went out to visit the river where kids would hang out. Eve played with the children next to the river but Joza sat at the shore gazing at the sky. Eve noticed him and said"Come play with them"

"No " he replied still looking at the sky.

"Why?" she stood and walked towards him.

"I don't play with anyone especially kids, they start disrespecting you, trust me I've learnt a lot from rudev" he replied.

They both chuckled. She sat next to him and gazed at the sky too. She then asked, "Why do you and rudev fight all the time?"

"Rudev?Have you seen that girl? when we were kids she would brag a lot about how she can arch and she's so rude" he replied making hand gestures.

"But you do know that you're very cruel and mean," she said looking at him.

"I am?" he replied.

"Yes...in fact everyone is scared of you, you can kill them, you know?" she said.

He stifled his laughter and said"My aunt trained me that way, and to be honest I'm enjoying the fact no one dares to defy me "

"Well, I do know that it's better for people to respect you than to fear you" she replied. He paused and pondered on what she said.

There was silence for a while until one child screamed. They both turned and as a child drowning in the river, the other kids tried to help but they were no match. They both got up and ran to help them, eve stood behind him because she was bad at swimming.

Joza on the other hand jumped in and swam. The child struggled to remain at the surface and drank a lot of seawater. Eve gathered the remaining children and watched Joza, she hoped he could make it.

They all watched and screamed Joza's name, the child managed to get to the shore with Joza's help but after some time he was nowhere to be seen.

Eve stood and screamed"Joza!"She didn't see him come out, she panicked and decide she would get in. She ran towards the river and dived.

The children eagerly waited for the both of them, Eve had already drowned. There was silence, the children's heart was beating and everything became still.

"Do you think we should get help?" a child broke the silence.

Joza immediately stood up with eve in his arms, water rushed all over him and he felt heavy. The children smiled and ran to help him.

Joza got to the shore and laid her down and tried to revive her by applying pressure to her chest. The children surrounded them,one of the children suggested "they taught s at school that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation would help" 
Joza turned to the child and nodded, he gently tilt her head back and placed his other hand on her forehead and pinch his nose with his index finger, took a normal breath, cover and seal his open mouth with hers, and blew into her mouth for about one second.

Eve remained the same for a second but she opened her eyes and gulped out water while coughing. The children smiled and chorused "Thank you so much Mr Joza!"
Joza smiled at them and watched them run off. He gently let eve sit down so she could  rest on him 

Sofia arrived home and met them attending to the children  ."What happened?"

The hakim replied, "The children are alive, when they wake up, we would know what happened to them."

Sofia walked towards Priel and Shira and sat with them."Are you okay?"

"No"priel replied.

David then opened his eyes and muttered"Aunt"

They all gathered him hurriedly and waited for him to say another word. He tried to get up, Shira helped him up.

"Aunt..." he continued."Yes"Sofia replied."Aunt, there coming for us..." this statement shook all of them,priel began to cry again.

"Who said  that?"Sofia asked.

"The mean man said tell your queen that we'll be back" David replied.

Sofia stood and wiped her face, She wasn't about to show how scared she was at the moment. Rudev then came in, she was oblivious to what just happened but she seemed angry already.

Priel ran to her and said, "Rudev, they attacked again and now they made David and noa their target."

Rudev frowned and ran to attend to noa and David. Noa then woke up and coughed, Shira ran to get her water.

"Please put an end to this "noa muttered.

Rudev became furious, she turned to her mom and said with a stern voice" Mom...what did they say they want?"

Sofia refused to reply, she couldn't tell them that she wouldn't bow to them to save her kingdom. Rudev stood in front of Sofia and screamed "Mum, what did they say they want!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me "Sofia replied.

Rudev continued"Wow! Still concerned about yourself and your pathetic little ego"

Everyone immediately focused on them. Shira took the kids inside to avoid the drama. Sofia snapped"Do you think I'll bow down to them and give them the jaguar"

Rudev and priel were stunned when they heard that. Sofia had just told them the condition that she wouldn't fulfil.

Rudev became disappointed"So mum, what you're saying is you refused to bow down to them..."rudev asked slowly.

"Yes!"Sofia screamed.

Sofia hadn't changed one bit, she still maintained her bad habits.

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