Going to the big doors of the building, Luna felt her little sister grab her hand. Emma was nervous, she didn't know anyone there and the only person she knew was going to be in a different class all day 

As they walked through the hallway Luna looked for her sister's class as well as her's. There were big letters and numbers on the doors so she thought it wouldn't take long but the hallways were full of kids and it was really loud it was starting to stress her out 

"Hello there" a teacher said as she looked at the new faces "What are your names?" she asked making sure to sound as friendly as possible, it was pretty clear that the girls were new and that they were a little shy 

"I'm Luna Jones" the older girl said, trying not to sound as nervous "and this is my sister Emma Taylor" the kid said now looking at her sister that hid behind her 

"Well it's really nice to meet you girls, I'm Diana" the woman said smiling "What grades are you in?" she asked trying to guess the kids ages 

"I'm in third grade" she said feeling a little proud of herself "and she is in K5" the brunette explained "but... we don't know where our classes are" she whispered looking down 

"That's okay, I can help you find your classes" Diana said starting to walk through the hallway being followed by the kids "that one over there is your class" she said pointing to one of the classrooms where a teacher stood by the door greeting the students "Ms. Beale is going to be your teacher... she's one of the best, super fun" she said mentioning the woman who now Luna knew it was called Ms. Beale 

"and Emma's class?" the eight-year-old asked making the woman look at her 

"Emma's class is all the way over there" she said pointing at another hallway "close to the playground" 

"Can I go with her?" she asked feeling how her sister's grip in her hand became tighter. She knew the toddler was going to get comfortable. Emma was the outgoing one, even though she was shy at first but she still needed her sister to help her and tell her that she was going to be okay. 

"To her class?" the woman asked dying of cuteness at the two little girls "yes, of course... but then you will have to come to your class" she said and the kid nodded 

When they finally made their way to Emma's class they were greeted by a woman with a big smile. She was blonde and had blue eyes... it kind of reminded her of Maya so as soon as Emma saw her she let go of her sister's hand a gave the woman a little wave 

"Hi little one" the woman said sweetly at the toddler "I'm Ms. Pierce but you can call me Brittany" she introduced herself kneeling in front of them making the girl smile 

"I'm Emma" she said looking at her sister who just smiled at her trying to encourage her 

"That's such a pretty name" she said and chuckle when she noticed the light pink covering the kid's cheeks "It's nice to meet you Emma, would you like to come in?" at this the kid shook her head grabbing her sister's hand again "why is that?" the teacher said tilting her head to the side 

"Nervous... I want sissy" she said taking a step back 

"Come on Em" the brunette said looking at the little one "I will see you in a couple of hours" she said but her sister shook her head in response "you are going to have so much fun... you won't even notice I'm not there" she tried to convince her sister but the girl didn't want to listen 

"Emma your sissy has to go to class too" Brittany said coming up with a plan to make this work "I can take you to see her on recess if you want" the girl knew her sister had to go so she thought about it for a few seconds but ended up nodding, having her for a few minutes was better than not having her at all 

"Okay" she said taking a deep breath and grabbing the blonde's hand not before giving her sister a big hug 

After that it was Luna's turn to go to class. She was nervous, first days were always hard and even though she liked school this was her least favourite part. 

"Hi Ms. Beale" Diana said making the redhead look at her and smile when she saw the little girl by the woman's side "This is Luna Jones" 

"Well, Hi Luna" the woman said smiling at her trying to help the kid calm her nerves "I'm Chloe or Ms. Beale as you prefer" she said noticing the girl gave her a little smile 

"Well I'll leave you two, have a nice day Luna" Diana said walking off getting lost on the big hallways 

"Come on, let's go find your sit" the teacher said reaching her hand out for the brunette to take. When they came into the classroom there were a lot kids already there. Some of them chatting, others just sitting quietly. Some of them noticed the presence of the new girl making them look at her with curious eyes "You can go sit next to Sofia" the teacher said showing the girl the empty sit next to a girl that was looking at her with a smile 

Sofia was a nice girl, she always tried to get everyone involved, she didn't want anyone to feel left out. Ms. Beale had her last year in second grade and, even though she didn't say it, was thrilled when she realized the kid was in her class. She had a feeling the kids were going to get along 

When Luna sat in her sit she felt a pair of eyes looking at her. She realized she wasn't wrong when she heard someone talking to her 

"Hi! I'm Sofía" Sofia had big green eyes and long, brown, curly hair. Her skin was a little darker than hers which made her eyes pop out even more "are you new?" she asked with a big smile on her face to which she just nodded "It's okay if you are a little shy... I was shy at my first day too"  

"I'm Luna" she said nicely, the girl next to her seem nice to be around 

"Luna... I like it" she said and the girl smiled. Yes Sofia was nice, she liked Sofia 

They didn't had time to say anything else because the class started. Because it was the first day Ms. Beale put them to do a quick activity so she could know a little more about themselves. They had to write something they liked, it could be one thing or more than one it didn't matter 

As Luna was concentrated trying her best to write properly, she felt a little tug on her hair. At first she didn't pay much attention to it but then she felt it again. She turned around to find a boy with a grin on his face, playing it off as if he hadn't done a thing. She decided to just brush it off and keep concentrated on her writing but this time she felt it again and it kind of hurt 

"Leave her alone Cole" Sofia said annoyed by the boy's attitude while Luna looked at her surprised 

"Everything all right over there" the teacher asked when she heard the green-eyed girl speak 

"Sorry Ms." she quickly said "Is just Cole... he's pulling on Luna's hair" the kid explained 

"That's not true" the boy quickly said "I'm not" 

"Yes you are" she said rolling her eyes 

"Luna?" the redhead asked the only one that had stayed with her gaze on the paper 

"Umm" she sayed looking at the brunette next to her who gave her an encouraging smile "He did tug on my hair a few times" she said now looking at the teacher 

"That's a lie!" Cole said in a rush 

"That's enough" Ms. Beale said rising her voice a little "Next time you are going to stay with me during recess" she informed making the boy groan as ahe walked back to her desk  

"Thank you" Luna whispered to the girl next to her 

"That's what friends are for" she answered shrugging. Yeah she did like Sofia  

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