Make Friends

14 4 34

Iylla's POV

"Anyway..." I tried grabbing Tenya's hand, but my wrist braces prevented me from getting a firm grip. He followed me anyway. "Why are you just standing around? I'm starving."

Walking into the cafeteria, I saw Ojiro and Aoyama at the front of the food line. I headed for them, eager to fill my stomach. 

"Iylla, there's a line," Tenya argued, resisting my pull. 

Urging him forward, I pointed at Ojiro and Aoyama. "Yeah, and our spot is at the front of it."

"I think maybe our spot is at the back of it."

"Maybe your spot is." Letting him go, I pranced my way over to Ojiro and Aoyama. 

Bakugo glared at me from the middle of the line as I passed him but surprisingly didn't say anything. I stuck my tongue out at him, leaving him in the dust. Reaching my best friends, Aoyama handed me a plate, but Ojiro wasn't so gracious.

"Oh, I see how it is." He wrapped his tail around my waist, pulling me close. "You only hang out with us when it's beneficial to you."

"You want me around more often? Then try being beneficial to me more often." I deadpanned, hoping they heard the joke in my voice. 

"Ouch," Ojiro placed two hands over his heart, feigning hurt. "The pain. It burns. I'm mortally wounded."

"My mere presence is beneficial." Aoyama flipped his hair, striking a fanciful pose. "My twinkling is a gift."

Making an uninterested face, Ojiro thrust a thumb in Aoyama's direction. "Get a load of this guy."

"I don't know; I tend to agree."

Aoyama's face lit up at my comment, but Ojiro looked crestfallen.  "Why do you hate me, Iylla? What have I ever done to deserve this mistreatment?"

"You talked to me at the entrance exams."

"I should have known." Shaking his head, he reflected on the day we first met. "That daunting aura of yours was a red flag."

I glanced at the back of the line, feeling mildly bad for abandoning Tenya. Thankfully, Midoriya and Urarraka left their spot in line to keep him company. 

At least he has good friends, if not a good girlfriend.

"Pfft, look, even when she's with us, she's still thinking of Ida." Ojiro teased, scooping some food onto his plate.

"It's true love." Aoyama sparkled.

"Shut up, leave me alone."

"Oh, so you can bully me relentlessly, but I can't tease you a little?" He asked.

"Not unless you want to die young."

As the three of us found a table to sit at, Hagakure started manically waving at Ojiro, who returned her enthusiasm with a shy blush.

"Speaking of true love." Aoyama and I traded looks. 

He waved his hands at us, trying to downplay the romantic tension. "No, it's not like that, guys! She's really friendly, that's all."

"Mmm, right."

"Can I plan the wedding?" Aoyama questioned.

"Aw, come on, guys; she's invisible! She could have been waving at anyone. She could have been waving at one of you." 

"I've never talked to Hagakure a day in my life." I revisited my time at UA, surprised to find that that was actually the truth and not an exaggeration.

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