Suspension: Day One

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Bakugo's POV

It was the first day of my week-long suspension for fighting with Quirkless, and I was already pissed off.

Quirkless agreed to train with me over our shared suspension, but she refused to wake up earlier than 10:00. It was 8:30, and if I couldn't be in class... 

What the heck am I supposed to do until 10:00?!?

I released a small explosion from both hands without meaning to. 

"Hey! Don't you start with your crap! It's too early to deal with it right now!" My old hag of a mother shouted at me from the kitchen. 

"Shut up! No one was talking to you!"  

"Get your butt over here, right now, Katsuki!"

Groaning, I folded my pillow over my ears. I flipped onto my side, hoping that time would speed up. 

Freaking, Quirkless. This was all her fault. If she'd never taken that picture of me, then I wouldn't be in this mess. I wouldn't be lying in bed waiting for 10:00 to roll around. I would be in class learning useful crap. 

"Katsuki!" Mom yelled, reminding me that I hated my life right now.

My phone started ringing, and I was so grateful for the distraction; that I picked up without looking at the caller ID.


"Seriously? How are you so pissed off already?" Quirkless's low voice sounded tired. "It's literally the crack of dawn."

"Dawn is at 6:00! That was two and a half hours ago! It's just morning now!"

"Either way, It's too dang early for you to be yelling in my ear, so shut up, will ya?"

"Tch." I bristled at being told the same thing twice by two different people. "Whatever. I thought you weren't waking up until 10:00."

"Ugh, things happened, okay?" Quirkless growled in agitation. "Anyway, I'm up; you can come over early if you want to."

"I'll be right there." I jumped at the chance to get out of the house. I almost hung up, but she wasn't done talking. 


"What do you want?"

"Sorry to spring this on you at the last second, but... do you have a jacket and a hat? or something that can hide your face?"

"Course I have a jacket and a hat! What kind of dumb question is that?"

"I'm just making sure, jeez." Quirkless groaned. "When you get here, put on your hat and pull the hood over your face. It might also be a good idea to cover up your license plate too."

"What the heck for?!"

"You'll see."

When Quirkless hung up, I rushed to get dressed. I threw on my favorite black undershirt and a pair of basketball shorts. I carried my tennis shoes down the hallway and stormed into the kitchen. 

"Where in the world do you think you're going, Katsuki?"

"Out." I grabbed an apple from the fridge, barely dodging the smack mom tried to hit me with.

"Out where?"

"I'm going to train. if you have to know."

"Train? Train where? You're suspended; you can't go on to campus."

"I know that!"

"Don't yell at me!" Mom hit me on the back of my head. "Where are you going?"

"To train with a classmate! Jeez, leave me alone."

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