The Media and Other Challenges

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Iylla's POV

I walked into the kitchen dressed in my UA uniform to see my brothers and dad already preparing breakfast. 

Every member of the Aizawa family was sleep obsessed, so normally, mornings were fairly low-key. Usually, that meant that no one spoke to each other for at least an hour while we woke up. In this family, words weren't necessary. My brothers said good morning to me by making room for me in the kitchen. My dad kissed me on the cheek by leaving me in charge of the french toast while he moved on to cutting fruits. It wouldn't work for everyone, but It worked for us. I could feel the connection between us in the way we moved in harmony around one another. We were comfortable and secure in our habits. Even if I could change us, I wouldn't want to. 

I moved to the side as Tama reached into the cabinet for plates. He left to set the table, while Shinso followed him with silverware and napkins. I finished off the french toast and set them all on a serving plate just as dad was finishing the fruit. Shinso and Tama put all the food on the table, and my dad and I followed them. We sat in our usual pattern; Dad at the head, Tama on his right, and Shinso and I on his left.  

We shoveled food onto our plates, still existing in the state between consciousness and unconsciousness. Honestly, we probably would have fallen back asleep if the smell of the food didn't drag us closer to reality.

"Morning," Dad spoke the first word of the day, and that's when I knew another day was starting.

We mumbled our replies between mouthfuls of food. Dad eyed us suspiciously before starting his own food.

"You all have a big day today. Did you get enough sleep?" Dad asked.

"When do I ever get enough sleep?" My insomniac twin retorted.

"Have you been taking your pills?" Dad looked at Shinso with worried eyes.

"Course I have, but they don't work." Shinso was playing with the grape rolling around on his plate when he saw dad's still bandaged face watching him. "Don't worry about it, dad. I'll manage; I always do."

"I'll set up another appointment with your doctor," Dad said, then looked at Tama. "Tamaki?"

"Huh?" Tama looked up, caught off guard

"How'd you sleep?"

"Oh. You know, good." Dad glared at him with a look that villains would cower from. "I- I I've had better nights." Tama stuttered.

Dad sighed. "You can't let your anxieties affect your sleep patterns, Tamaki."

"I-I know." The fork in his hand clinked against the plate because of his shaking.

"I'm not mad, Tamaki. I'm just worried."

"Well," I called the attention to me. "I slept like a baby."

"Jeez, no need to brag." Shinso rolled his eyes at me, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Well, that's good 'cause you'll have the busiest day."

Tama and Shinso smirked at the tone my dad took, and I immediately knew that there was something I didn't know about.

"What did you jerks do this time?"

"Today is the sports festival; you know that." He paused. "Then there's your performances." 

"Yeah..." I affirmed. "But those are things all three of us are doing."

"You didn't let me finish." He took his time chewing on the food in his mouth.

"Well, then hurry up and speak." I slumped into my chair, exasperated. 

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