Bringing Down All Might (Part Two)

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Bakugo's POV

"They should be here any second," Quirkless whispered as if her voice would give away the entire plan.

"Get over here then!"

"Why are you always so mad?" She sounded annoyed, but somehow I knew that she didn't find my personality as aggravating as most people did.

The sound of her footsteps behind me got closer and closer until she was directly behind me. Quirkless wrapped her arms around me and jumped onto my back, just as the plan detailed. The side of her face was right next to mine, and I couldn't help but think back to when I kissed her.

I didn't know why I did it, but when our lips met, it felt right. At least to me. Quirkless didn't feel the same way. In fact, not only did she not reciprocate my feelings, she had those same feelings for someone else. For some strange and unknowable reason, she was dating Four Eyes.

Whatever, I don't even care.

Quirkless and I waited in the shadows of the alley, waiting for Deku to lure All Might to us. Her arms kept shifting, trying to find the optimal position for touching as little of me as possible. Quirkless stayed pressed against my back for what seemed like an eternity, and with every passing second, she became tenser and tenser.

"Would you stop moving already!"

"Would you shut up already?"

Through the rising agitation, I forced myself to forget about the irritating woman clinging to my back. I tried to focus on the task ahead, but all my thoughts went back to Quirkless and her domineering presence.

"This is probably weird for you, huh?"

"You're the only one making it weird." Her curt response told me that she was also thinking about our kiss.

"How badly did Four Eyes want to kill me when you told him?" If it were possible, Quirkless would have gone even stiffer than she already was. "You didn't tell him, did you?"

"It's none of your business."

"Don't you think he should know?"

"Shut up!" Quirkless tightened her grip on me when we heard the distant sounds closing in on our location. "It's none of your business, so just forget about it and focus on defeating All Might instead."


The little robot pointed its camera at us, waiting for the action to start. Quirkless tried to ignore the robot altogether but kept eyeing it.

"Now!" Deku shouted, but I was so attuned to Quirkless that I almost missed the cue.

To make up for the late start, I shot into the air at full speed. Quirkless yelped in surprise, tightening her grip. I flew above the street, watching for my opportunity. Underneath me, Deku passed by, leading All Might directly into my path. With my target in sight, I released an explosion. The blast was bigger than what I usually put out, so I felt the power of it in my bones.

Quirkless positioned herself better and started chucking barriers at All Might. While we attacked from above, Deku distracted him on the ground. Whenever All Might tried to retaliate against Deku, Quirkless and I would hit him with our long-ranged attacks, and if he tried attacking us instead, Deku would bring his attention back to the ground. This strategy allowed us to deal a large amount of damage while at the same time, avoid obtaining any of our own. All in all, it was a pretty good plan of attack, but I would never say that to Quirkless.

Even though the plan was working, we all knew it wouldn't last. That's why Quirkless had devised a part two to this plan. Gradually, I brought the two of us closer to the ground, as was demanded of me. When Quirkless deemed All Might sufficiently distracted and damaged enough, she leaned into me.

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