End of Suspension

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Iylla's POV

It was officially the last day of my seven-day suspension, and I couldn't say that I wasn't grateful. I don't particularly care for school, but spending countless nights catching up on classwork and homework was getting old. Ida did his best, but I was hopeless when it came to normal classwork. It was a good thing that I wanted to be a pro hero because I didn't think I would have the brainpower to hold any other job. 

What I did have, though, was physical strength and the capabilities necessary to keep enemies on their toes.

Bakugo ducked under my arm just as my elbow was nearing his face. Adjusting to his change in position, I swung my elbow to meet the base of his head. He grunted but remained on his feet. I was expecting the attack to be the one to bring him down, so like a fool, I didn't have a backup plan ready. Bakugo shouldered my knees, tackling me to the ground. Bakugo made quick work of pinning me to the gym floor. Using his legs, he trapped mine. His hands tightened around my wrists and bound my hands above my head.

"I win." Bakugo panted, smiling that cocky smile of his.

I struggled under him, urgently trying to free either my hands or feet. Bakugo pressed harder against my wrists, keeping his hostage in place. 

"Aww, don't be a sore loser." He bragged. 

Bakugo's confidence waned when my eyes started to glow. I smirked when he searched for the barrier that I put up, but he wouldn't be able to see it. Bakugo was looking for a large barrier, one that enveloped my body completely, not a small barrier that was barely big enough to cover my foot. Distracted, Bakugo eased up on my leg just enough for me to kick the barrier off my foot. I controlled the path of the barrier, making sure it stayed in Bakugo's blind spots. He never even laid eyes on it before it slammed into his side and sent him flying. 

I quickly closed the barrier, hoping to keep him in the dark about my new offensive capabilities for a little while longer. Bakugo rolled across the floor, violently slamming into the wall. Rising from the floor, I jogged over to him and trapped him in a barrier. From the outside, I squished the barrier until it was crushing Bakugo. 

"I win." I mocked him, opening a small hole for his head. 

"You didn't win! You cheated!"He yelled, clearly pissed off. I could feel Bakugo squirming around inside the barrier in an attempt to give himself space. 

"Aww, don't be a sore loser."

"Don't you patronize me!" He started kicking at the barrier, resisting his capture the way I had earlier. "Let me out of here, so I can kill you!"

"Now that sounds like fun." I dropped the barrier, releasing the raging beast trapped inside. 

Bakugo hurried to his feet, I could tell he wanted to grab fistfuls of my shirt and pull me into him so he could threaten me properly, but I wasn't wearing one. I only had a sports bra on, so he didn't know how he could grab me without touching me inappropriately. Eventually, he settled for getting up in my face. "Quirk battle. Right now."

"Pfft, first of all, you don't get to demand things from me in my own house." I punched him in the gut, making him back off. "Second, you know what we should do next? A quirk battle."

"Gee, what gave you that wonderful idea?" Bakugo said sarcastically. 

"I don't know; it just came to me. Sometimes I amaze myself."

While bakugo grumbled to himself, I pulled out my phone and dialed Mrs. Winston. Mrs. Winston was our elderly neighbor to the right of us. 

"Hello dear, how are you?"

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