UA's Entrance Exam (Part Two)

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Iylla's POV

"Go!" Thirteen's voice called out. 

We ran into the battle center, eagerly looking for the robot villains. Some students ran blindly, hoping to stumble upon one. Others slowed down and tried to use their quirks to locate the villains.

Ojiro and I were immediately separated, but that didn't matter. I only needed to worry about myself and my points. I shook my head and refocused on the goal.

I heard exploding and the sound of metal being crushed. That means others have already found villains and we're getting ahead of me.

I have to hurry. I thought to myself.

I recentered quickly enough to avoid stepping on some kind of small purple orb, I looked around and saw that there were a bunch of them scattered around the area. I didn't see the source so I bent over to pick it up. Just as my fingers were about to touch the purple ball I heard crying.

"What now!" I saw M*neta crying in a fetal position in front of a three-point villain. "I threw the stupid balls, now what do I do!?" He whined.

The three pointer's wheels turned in an attempt to reach the cry baby in front of it, but it wouldn't move. I got a closer look and noticed that it wouldn't move because it was stuck in the purple orbs.

I yanked my fingers away from the ball I was about to touch and ran for the three-pointer. It must have a 360° sensing ability because it turned its head toward me when I got within twenty feet of it.

The robot fired a red laser at me, but I was able to dodge by throwing my weight to the left. I ducked under the laser and ran up to it on its right side. I placed a foot onto its wheel and jumped so that I could hang on its back. The robot shook itself to try and knock me off, but thanks to those purple balls, it was stuck firmly in place. I pulled myself up until I could wrap my legs around its neck.

I was going to try and rip its head off, but there was a panel on top of its head. I opened it and saw wires of all colors and sizes. They looked important, so I ripped them all out. The robot started to shake and groan. I jumped off the robot and landed safely on the ground. The robot exploded, leaving nothing but scrap metal.

"Hey." A small fragile voice came.

"You really gotta learn some new words," I said, breathless.

"That one is mine!" M*neta yelled.

"No, it was yours, now it's mine." I scouted the area to find other potential targets. "And it was an easy three points if I do say so myself."

"Nine minutes left!"

"Thanks for traping it for me," I said as I ran away, careful to avoid the purple balls littered across the floor.

I bolted away from the area and ran straight for a one-pointer that had cornered some girl. She was standing in a slightly hunched position. It looked like she was trying to run away, but couldn't quite muster up the courage to actually make a break for it. The robot began to charge up its laser attack and the girl's eyes widened in fear. Since this was a one-point villain I was easily able to come up from behind the robot without detection. I positioned myself on what would pass for its shoulders and pulled out the essential wires.

I was on the back on my feet and running away when I heard it explode like the first robot villain I took down did. Students were fighting robots all around me, gathering as many points as possible. I had no idea how many points they had, but I knew that I had four and that four wasn't enough to make it into UA.

I came to a standstill as another three-point villain spotted me. It advanced on me at an alarming speed. The last three-point villain I fought was unable to move, so I was caught unaware of how fast the three-pointers were.

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