Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle

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Iylla's POV

"Ida?" Ida was staring at me with something soft in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

He didn't say anything, instead, he grabbed my hand and held it in his. Surprised by the touch, I tried to step away, but it was too wide and I ended up trapped between Ida and the wall.

He had his arm pressed against the wall by my head. One of my hands held his, and the other was against his chest.

"What are you doing?" I wasn't used to not being in control, so I'm sure my voice wasn't what it usually was.

"To be honest, I don't really know. But you could stop me if you wanted to." Ida's lips were mere inches from mine, waiting for me to make up my mind.

Do I want to stop him? Or do I just want him?

My skin burned and tingled all over, but when my hand moved to his face it neither invited him closer nor pushed him away. The longer we stayed like that, the more I wanted to kiss him, and I think I would have but just then a gruff voice echoed in the hallway.


Ida quickly jumped away from me when my dad appeared.

"Mr. Aizawa, I-"

"You're wanted in the principal's office." My Dad said.

"Yes, sir." He bowed respectfully and rushed away like a frightened cat.

I watched him go, already missing the feeling of his body against mine and his warm breath on my face. I still didn't know what I wanted from Ida, but it was clear to me now that I wanted something. Did I really want a boyfriend right now? I had big plans for my first year in university, and none of them included a boyfriend.

When Ida was gone, I turned to my dad.

"Did you really have to scare him away like that?" I asked.

"It's my job as your father."

"Yeah, maybe if I was twelve."

"If he lets that scare him away for good, then he wouldn't be the kind of guy you're interested in anyway."

"I guess." I shrugged in agreement.

We walked down the hall toward class 1A waiting room. I was lost in my thoughts and thinking about what I should do about Ida when dad distracted me. 

"How are you feeling?"

"It's fine, dad." I heard what he asked but answered the question that was really on his mind. "Just let it go."

"Ida wasn't wrong. Bakugo could have killed you."

"He saved me too," I said, unsure why I was defending him.

Dad gave me his most disapproving look, but I knew he would accept my decision; he always did. 

Just then, we arrived at the waiting room.

"I suppose I'll go let principal Nezu know about your disposition." He held the door open for me. The class all looked up at me when the door opened, but I turned back to my dad.

"He cares what I think?" I asked.

"Of course." He nudged me into the room. "You're the one Bakugo almost killed, after all."

"You didn't ask me how I was doing because you were worried, did you?" I knew I had him figured out when he didn't respond. "You were trying to figure out if I wanted him disqualified."

"Nezu told Bakugo that the decision would be left up to you."

I scoffed. "Why would I want to eliminate my biggest threat by default when I could do it fair and square?"

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