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Ida's POV

In the early morning light, I jogged next to Iylla. We ran down the park pathway together, but I was slowly starting to outpace her. She breathed unevenly, and her skin was looking rather pale. I was beginning to worry that she was pushing herself too far.

"Do you need a break?" 

"Me?" She sucked in large amounts of air, gasping all the while. "I'm fine."

Knowing she would never admit to needing rest, I slowed to a stop. "Well, I certainly need a break."

She leaned over, panting. "Tired already?"

"Exhausted." I swiped my forearm against my forehead, ridding myself of the sweat that was building.

Collapsing onto the path, Iylla hung her head between her knees. "Liar." 

"Caught red-handed." I handed her my water bottle, laughing. "There's nothing wrong with taking a break every once in a while. You're still recovering from your fight with All Might."

"Gah, I hate running." Taking the water bottle from my hands, she drank almost half of it in one gulp. "No offense, but I would rather die than have your quirk."

I kneeled next to her, admiring her face in the sunrise. "No offense, but I think we should end our run early."

"What? No way, I'm good to go." She picked herself up off the floor but massaged parts of her chest while she did. The bruises from the aftermath of her match against All Might still lingered all over her body, so I  knew that no matter if she admitted to it or not, she was still in a lot of pain. 

"Wait, come here for a second." Her leveled face took on a hint of annoyance. 

"I said I'm good. So let's go before other people start showing up."

"The sooner you come here, the sooner we can get moving again." I held her hand, pulling her closer to me even though she resisted it.

"Tenya." She whined, trying to get back to the run. 

I wrapped my arms around her waist, trapping her in a kiss. Iylla tried to stay upset, but she melted into me almost instantly. For a sweet moment, it was just the two of us in the middle of this beautiful park. Just two people who were enjoying being alone together. Quickly becoming more aggressive, Iylla pushed me backward until I hit the railing behind me. 

"You're going to knock me into the stream," I spoke into her mouth, smiling at the same time.

"Deal with it."

As I held her against me, I thought about what she confessed to me the other day. If her ex-boyfriend hadn't called her, I'm sure a great deal of time would have passed before she admitted to her history. Now that I was aware of her rough experience in dating, her uneasiness made more sense to me. We hadn't talked about it since then, but I hoped she could find it in herself to trust me with her secrets. 

Suddenly, just when the kiss was at its height, Iylla pushed away from me. She put a lot of unnecessary space between us, leaving me confused.

"What's wrong?"

She looked around, looking just as confused as I was. "Sorry, I thought  I heard someone."

"Oh? I don't see anyone."

"Yeah, I-" Rotating her head in all directions, she surveyed her surroundings. "I could have sworn there was someone around."

"You know... we wouldn't have to worry about that kind of thing if we weren't hiding our relationship."

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