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Iylla's POV

Four days after my return to class, I sat in my seat, reaching behind me and grabbing Yaoyorozu's final exam. I placed it on top of my own, passing them both up to Midoriya. The exams made their was up the collum of seats until they reached Hagakure at the front. 

No way I passed.

I groaned at my own stupidity as Uncle Mic collected the exams. Risking a glance at Ida, I saw that he was already looking at me. He raised an eyebrow, wordlessly asking how the exam went. Rolling my eyes and shaking my head, I tried to convey that he was dating an idiot. Ida smiled reassuringly, sending me a thumbs up.

The front door opened up, and Mr. Aizawa walked in. I felt relieved just at the sight of him. I hadn't seen or heard from my father in a week and a half, so I was more than happy to have him back. 

"Oh, good, you're here." Uncle Mic said, excited. "I was thinking I was gonna have to grade all these exams." Uncle Mic dropped the papers into Dad's hands.

Dad walked to his desk, putting the exams down. "I hope you all studied." He looked at me with what looked like a judging expression. 

"Wow, you're gonna bounce for a week and a half and then call me out for being dumb as garbage?" I crossed my arms and looked out the window. "I see how it is." 

The class chuckled, but Dad ignored me. "Thanks, Mic. I've got it from here."

"Wow, Iylla's right. I've been wounded." Uncle Mic placed a hand over his heart, hurt. "I've been teaching this class for two weeks, and all I get is a 'Thanks, Mic.'"

"What do you guys want from me?  A four-course meal?"

"Well, I mean, hey, If you're offering." Uncle Mic quickly switched from sorrow to enthusiasm. "What says you, Iylla? You up for some good grub tonight?" 

"Pfft, I'm not cooking it or cleaning up after it."

"Of course not! That's all on this dude." He grabbed Dad by the shoulders and shook him violently. "It's his penance for abandoning us for two weeks."

"It wasn't two weeks." Dad groaned.

"Close enough!"

Having had enough of this conversation, Dad broke free of Uncle Mic's grasp and walked him to the door. "All of your help has been greatly appreciated. Now Goodbye."

Dad tried pushing Uncle Mic out of the class, but he grabbed onto the doorframe. "I'll see all you jammin' students at Center Plaza later! Enjoy having your teacher back! Who knows when he might decide to up and leave again!"

When Uncle Mic finally left, Dad was able to start class. "Anyway... I hope all your exams went well, but now it's time to switch gears. The practical portion of your exams will be held today at Center Plaza." 

"What exactly is the practical portion of the exam, Mr. Aizawa?" Jiro raised her hand.

"You'll learn about that part later. Right now, all that I'll tell you is that you want to make sure that you pass it." The class muttered among themselves, no doubt confused by the response. "There will be steep consequences for failing."

At the threat, Kaminari and Mina glanced at each other with worried expressions. No offense, but they were probably the only two in the class who had to worry about not passing the practical. 

"Class 1A along with Class 1B will be participating in training camp over the upcoming break, but if you fail either the written or the practical, you won't be attending. 

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