Bringing Down All Might

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Iylla's POV

When my eyes opened, I laid in a hospital bed in Recovery Girl's office. My binding cloth, staff, and quiver full of arrows sat on the chair beside me. Ojiro and Aoyama were arguing about something stupid on my other side.

"Hey, do a girl a favor and shut up." I groaned, wondering why they always had to be arguing and annoying each other.

"Wow, you would wake up and choose violence," Ojiro complained.

"How are you feeling?" Aoyama held my hand, looking concerned.

 During my final exam, I had fought Midnight and ended up having to trek through a cloud of her sleep powder. Looking like an Astronaut, I summoned a barrier around my head and made the journey on one gulp of air. My head ached, and my lungs were a little sore, but for the most part, I felt good.  

"I feel... better than I expected."

"Recovery Girl wanted you to take this when you woke up." Aoyama handed me a small round, blue orb. 

"What is it?" I eyed it warily, taking it from him. 

"I don't know. A regenerative candy?"

Shrugging, I popped it into my mouth, expecting a sour taste. Instead, it tasted like happiness melting on my tongue. A warm, giddy feeling overtook my body, making me feel like I was the world's most optimistic person. 

"Uhh, I hate this. Why did you do this to me?" I pointed at Aoyama, blaming him for my current misery. "I thought we were friends."

Aoyama and Ojiro looked at each other knowingly and quickly hid something underneath the blanket. 

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing." They said in unison.

"Guys? Don't make me kill you."

Ojiro apprehensively pulled out a box from under the blanket. "She wants you to take one every hour for the rest of the day."

"Every hour?!?" I stared at the box of candies menacingly. "No way. I'm not doing it."

"Why not?" Tenya walked into the nurse's office, offering a respite from the candies of evil. "They look pleasant enough." 

"They're disgusting, and I hate them." I turned my head away from the group in defiance. "I'm not taking them."

"They were made to heal you." He lectured, sounding like the class rep he was. "They don't have to taste good as long as they do their job."

"Pfft, I don't need to be healed; I'm fine. Therefore I don't need the candy."

Tenya laughed, making me want to turn toward him, but I couldn't, not while we had company in the room. "Well, I came to make sure you were okay. Obviously, I had nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, obviously."

"Congratulations on passing your practical." Tenya kept up his formal tone, but I knew he was thinking about taking me out to dinner later. "It was an impressive match. Good luck fighting All Might later."

He nodded at Aoyama and Ojiro, his gaze lingering on me for a second before he left the way he came. 

"Dude, seriously, when are you gonna ask that guy out?" Ojiro teased, punching my arm. "He's like madly in love with you."

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't quell the feeling of guilt for lying to them. 

"He nearly lost his mind, watching your fight against Midnight." Aoyama swooned, fanning himself. "It was adorable! The way he tried to pretend like he didn't care any more than the rest of us."

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