Normal School Stuff

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Iylla's POV

Beep Beep Beep 

I opened my eyes when my alarm went off at 6:01 am. I don't know why I bothered setting my alarm for 6:01, it's not like that extra minute did me any good. But I've done it every day of my life and I'll probably do it every day for the rest of my life. Eventually, those minutes will add up, right?

I groaned and stretched as the alarm continued to blare at me. I reached for the alarm and shut it off before it could wake up the rest of my family. I sat on the edge of my bed and hated myself, wondering why in the world I had agreed to wake up early and spar with Bakugo. I found myself wondering why I had agreed to not only spar with him today but every day for the last week.

I rubbed my eyes and rose from my oh so comfortable bed. I went to the closet, picked out a fresh UA uniform, and headed for the kitchen. When I opened the door to my room, there was a heavenly smell hanging in the air. I heard the sizzling of bacon and the clinking of kitchenware.

"Smells delicious in here," I said. 

"Good, 'cause I made it for you." My twin brother Shinso said, looking back at me. My brother's name was Hitoshi, but we usually called him by his middle name, Shinso. I don't know why it was just a thing that stuck.

Shinso piled a mountain of eggs and bacon onto a plate and set it down in front of me. "Couldn't sleep." he shrugged.

"Thanks." I shoved food into my mouth because I didn't exactly know what to say to him. Things have been kind of tense between us since we got our UA entrance exam results. I got what we both wanted and he got stuck in UA's General Studies course. I didn't know how to make things better without having to apologize. The last thing I wanted to do was apologize for my achievements, but if swallowing my pride was what I needed to do to get my brother back, I would. I missed him, and I didn't know how to tell him that.

The day we got entrance exam results was a day I had been waiting for for so long, but it hadn't turned out exactly the way I wanted. In fact, that day was the first time Shinso had ever looked at me with anger in his eyes. Even when we were kids we had never gotten truly angry with each other. I mean, sure, we fought and needed time apart, but it never felt like this. I never felt like I was alone. I had a twin. I was literally born with Shinso by my side. I never thought that I wouldn't have him. 

Shinso looked around the room, uneasy. He left me alone on the island to eat while he washed the dishes he just dirtied. Every so often Shinso would turn to me as if he wanted to say something, but he looked away every time. A quietness slipped into the room. Me and My family are quiet people, so the house being quiet isn't all that unusual, but this was different. The kind of quiet that usually frequented this home was comfortable and familiar, but this quiet was tense and foreign.  

The food on my plate had all but disappeared, and not a single word had been spoken between the two of us. I moved to take my plate to the sink, but Shinso held out his hand to take it.

"I got it." He said.

"Thanks." I turned to leave but stopped in the living room. I watched him cleaning in the kitchen, but he didn't bother to say anything. When the silence was almost too much to bear, an apology almost fell out of my mouth, but I reigned it back in. 

I'll give him a little more time.

I continued on my way to the front door and shut it behind me. The sun was barely starting to come up, and it gave off a beautiful light that tinted the sky purple. I was still admiring the sunrise when I heard the front door behind me open up again. I turned to see Shinso standing there in his pajamas, looking somewhat bewildered.

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