"I deserve more shit than I am given, you have no idea" 

"Well why don't you tell me, over dinner" Alex concluded. Anna went to protested smiling but turning away trying to think of an excuse, she was done with bad boys, she was done with relationships for a while now. "Come on, your drinking anyway the least I could do is pay for your liver damage" 

"Fine but on my terms and one drink" Anna succumbed. She downed her glass and left a smiling Alex in the bar before walking away. Alex reached over the bar and grabbed a spirit from the back taking a deep breath furrowing his brows and downing a shot of the spirit. He then sighed closing his eyes once his phone started ringing. 

"Yes it's done, you don't have to worry I've got it handled" Alex said over the phone, hanging up and continuing to sip shot after shot. 


Elijah had positioned himself at the bar in the study , freshly showered and replaced with a near identical suit he didn't have to look up to see how hungover Freya looked. He reached for a knife, cutting his thumb to drip blood into a glass for his sister. 

"Ah, yes. Drinking with Rebekah-- always an adventure." He commented watching as Freya took a sip of blood before turning to look at sketches of the prophecy visions that Klaus had drawn. 

"You seem more annoyed than usual."

"It's Aurora." Elijah commented "Her influence frightens me. And yet, our hideously-deluded brother seems to think that she may be the key to ending this wretched prophecy." "If she's aligned with her brother, what chance does Nik have?" Freya asked worriedly "None. And still, Niklaus believes that she can be swayed. Although... his perspective of family loyalty is schizophrenic at best. I'm surprised Ilianna is still tolerating his presence given their estranged history" "Do I want to know" Freya asked cringing at the thought of Klaus and Anna at head."Another time when I can tolerate a stronger drink" She dismissed before changing the conversation " One thing I don't get why Lucien and Tristan are working together. Aren't their sirelines direct enemies?"Well, their mutual lack of goodwill toward our family might not be entirely unjustified..." Elijah replied visibly embarrassed. "Hatred's a hell of a thing, Freya" He continued after a stern look from his sister"Why? All you did was sire them. They don't seem to be complaining.What exactly did you do?

"I compelled Lucien to believe that he was Niklaus, Aurora to believe that she was Rebekah, and Tristan, myself. After I sired him, of course. This was a period of mayhem for us! It was the 11th century, Father was hunting us mercilessly... So, I compelled them. And then, I told them to run.

"You made them bait." Freya sighed coldly "Not the kindest thing I ever did, if I'm perfectly frank with you, Freya. So, as we found respite in the sleepy, yet charming vineyards of Tuscany, Father hunted the decoy Mikaelson children to the far-reaches of Europe for the better part of a century. Then, we were inconveniently daggered. The compulsion was broken. Here we are. Freya, something you must understand about this family-- under threat, we take action, for better or worse. Whatever it takes to protect our own."So, you're telling me their days are numbered?""If indeed they're working against us, yes. Without question." Freya nodded her head at Elijah's comment before reaching for a glass of bourbon. Suddenly her hand starts to shake and Elijah jumps in concern. Freya suddenly whimpers dropping the glass to the floor 

"Something's wrong. We need to call Rebekah. Now." Freya scurries to write a note to her sister: "Call home, sister please" as she was about to send it magically over, Elijah hangs up the phone. 

"She's still not answering." Elijah comments, Freya mutters something in latin, suddenly Freya's hands and the note are covered and dripping in blood 

"There's nothing to connect to. She's gone."

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