Night Children: Secrets are only secrets for so long Ten: Truth

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The wolves were on all fours in front of us. A monochromatic group, from the white of snow to the black and three shades of grey. Their eyes a predatorily venomous yellow. Their teeth gleaming in the light of the torches that lit the room, the white one howled. I moved quickly grabbing a torch and swung it, the white wolf’s fir caught aflame it dropped to the stone floor and rolled but the flame spread and engulfed it I thrusted it toward one of the grey ones trying to keep them back, we were still out numbered two to one, Viktor didn’t count as a fighter.

Griever caught on to my tactic and grabbed a torch of his own off the wall, fire was lethal to him, but he held onto the end like he didn’t have a fear in this world.

I feared thought, it coursed through me like blood. My life-force driven by fear. I didn’t want to die, I still had to… needed to protect Viktor, to make sure I could keep up with Griever so he would fair better than Garrett did.

The two of us moved forward having an advantage of having imposable thumbs allowing us to hold the torches, the Moon Children jumped back a few snarled, one growled deeply and swatted, it missed the fire and ripped a piece out of my chain mail around my wrist. The torch fell from my hand I jumped back as it came forward I swung my sword at it and it clipped the tip of the wolf’s nose. It didn’t seem to like that very much.

With both Griever and I occupied by a wolf, two wolves in the case of Griever, the fourth one jumped for the window but I was pounced on the wood ripped off and sunlight came through, I heard Griever give a horrible streak. I stabbed the wolf that was on me and got to my feet quickly pushing Griever into the dark corner of the room. Three wolves left. “Go to the bathroom, I shouted at the two of them as I swung my sword downward slashing the throat of one of the grey wolves.

They didn’t have a choice but to do as I ordered, if one of the wolves was smart enough to move a mirror the sunlight could be reflected around the room, and while my nose wasn’t very sensitive, I could smell the burning flesh of Griever. I hoped that he wasn’t burnt to badly, but I had heard Viktor dragging Grievers severely weakened body. He wouldn’t be able to fight for a while. I swallowed, fear rippled like a pebble breaking the surface of the waters.

I dodged as one lunged another hit be from the back I dropped my weapon my hands out to cushion myself making sure my face didn’t smash into the stone walls. I turned two of them were going toward the bathroom door. I looked to the window, the sky… was darkening. I didn’t have to hold out for much longer and the Night Children would be at their full strength. Viktor would be able to fight, Griever would be able to heal faster, more help would come. I knew it.

I just had to hold them off a little longer. I kicked, my steel toed boots destroyed the jaw of the darkest grey wolf. It whimpered and took a few steps back, the lightest grey with the scratch on it’s nose, and the black wolf were still surrounding me. I pulled out my dagger and swung wildly trying to keep them at bay. The dagger scratched the black wolf’s eye. It howled at me.

Nikolai stalked in, I never thought I would be happy to see him, the darkness was almost there, we only needed to hold on for a little longer. The injured wolf walked slowly to Nikolai it’s head bowed as if in respect. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing as Nikolai reached down and healed the jaw of the grey wolf.

I couldn’t process what was going on but the other wolves were just growling at my sides not attacking, the other grey one trotted over happily and stood in front of me, Nikolai stood beside me as well, with a sword, while I was left with a small dagger.

“What the fuck,” was all I could manage to say.

Nikolai smiled, “step aside, I want the prince.”

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