"Come on, you can't say no to that" Maya said holding the chuckle that wanted to come out at her wife's face 

"You want one?" Emma asked holding a cookie close to the blonde's face "We made them..." she started but the stopped looking down "Well mostly Luna and 'Rina... but I helped" she said 

"... and you were such a good helper" Carina added smiling at the girl "right?" she said to which the older girl nodded eagerly 

"You did the most important thing" Luna said surprising Maya with how outgoing she was being "and you thought about the chocolate chips" she said starting to color her new drawing "That was really smart"   

"Okay fine" the Italian said smiling after a few seconds "you can have one more cookie" she said laughing when she saw the girl make a victory sign 

"Yes!" the toddler said reaching for some cookies one for her and one for the firefighter. Carina couldn't help but roll her eyes when she saw Maya and Emma high five. 

Suddenly Carina's phone rang "Hello?" she said not really checking who was calling before answering "Now?" she said standing up and walking to the other room "Yes, I'll be there" she said and Luna and Maya immediately looked at her "See you in a few" she said ending the call 

"Everything all right?" Maya asked noticing her wife grabbing her keys and searching for her coat  

"Yes, just work. They need me there" the brunette said as she walked towards her "but I'll be back as soon as I finish" she said giving her a quick peck "Be good for Maya girls, I'm gonna be right back" she said giving Emma a quick kiss on the head "and no more cookies for you missy" she said putting one of the girl's strands of hair behind her ear. 

Before leaving Carina felt a little hand take hers. She looked down finding Luna looking at her. It wasn't the first time the girls were alone with Maya but after today's little breakdown she wanted the brunette to stay "I'll be back before you know it" she said kneeling in front of her "I promise" she said and the little girl looked down feeling her lip start to quiver, what if she didn't come back 

"You coming back?" the girl whispered to which the Italian nodded

"I always come back" the brunette answered "we always come back" she said trying to reassure the girl  

"Come on girls" Maya suddenly said placing Emma on the ground and standing up "Want to watch a movie?" she asked trying to find something to distract both girls but mostly the older one. Emma instantly nodded eagerly running towards her sister to grab her hand and pull her to go pick a movie. Luna was little hesitant but ended up following her sister no without turning back to give a little wave to Carina before going 

Carina felt really bad having to go, but she knew she had to. The girls were fine, Maya was going to take care of them "Go, they are going to be fine" Maya said knowing her wife and knowing by the look on her face the guilt she was feeling "I'll call you if anything happens" she said smiling at her wife traying to reassure her. The brunettte smiled and nodded finally leaving the place

"Okay girls, what are we watching?" the blonde said sitting next to them that were already placed in the sofa

"Litt'e me'maid" the toddler answer jumping in her sit with excitement  while Luna just looked at the tv in silence 

The girl stayed like that most of the evening, she was just quiet. Maya tried to engage her and her sister in different activities, trying to keep their minds occupied but that just wasn't working for the girl. It was getting late and it was dinner time, the blonde waited for her wife as long as she could but the girl's needed to sleep. 

"Carina?" Luna asked when she noticed the blonde started to serve dinner. The brunette wasn't home yet, weren't they supposed to wait for her? 

"She is at work" Maya said gently to the kid who looked at her "but she'll be back as soon as she can" the blonde explained knowing how anxious the kid was getting because the woman wasn't there yet. The girl was fidgeting with her fingers and she would stare at the door every few minutes

After dinner, Emma was very tired, it was past her bedtime and she could hardly keep her eyes open. Maya quickly scooped her up in her arms and carried her to her room, not before making a quick stop in the bathroom. It was not difficult to put her to bed, the girl was already asleep when they got to her room.

When she returned to the living room she found Luna sitting on the sofa looking out the window.

"Luna..." she called out making the girl look at her "it's time to go to sleep" she said and noticed the kid's posture change, she started playing with her fingers as she looked down

"Can we... can we wait for Carina?" she asked a little unsure, she didn't want to make Maya upset but she had to know that the brunette was going to come back. She did promise it but she wasn't so sure anymore.

"Baby... she's going to be late" she said softly "she has a lot of work" the blonde explained as she approached the girl sitting next to her

"Please?" the eight-year-old said looking up at the woman next to her with pleading eyes 

"Okay we can wait" Maya finally said grabbing a blanket a placing it over her lap covering Luna's legs as well 

They just stayed there in silence, it wasn't uncomfortable just quiet. At some point Maya noticed a pressure in her arm and when she turned around she realized it was Luna that had decided to rest her head in the woman's arm. The kid was dozing off, she was fighting it so hard but it was obvious that she wasn't going to stay up for much longer. She is going to kill me  Maya thought to herself when she checked the time, it was so late. 

"Luna... come on baby" Maya said softly standing up "Let's go to bed" she said grabbing the girl's hand helping her to stand up 

"But..." the girl started but was cut off by her own yawn 

"Carina is going to be here when you wake up" she said as she started walking with the little girl next to her "I promise" she added making the girl nod too tired to reply  

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