Parting her hair in half, she began brushing it, trying to fix the way it looked. There was a knock on the door not too long later, forcing Hermione to leave her hair to open the door. "Are you feeling alright?"Eleanor asked. "Yes, thank you, I didn't disturb your sleep did I?"Hermione questioned. "Of course not, you could never"Eleanor smiled. "We'll have breakfast in an hour, I just want to talk to you for a bit, if I may"Eleanor said. Hermione nodded, moving aside and letting Eleanor walk in. Hermione tried to pat her hair down so it didn't look as messy but it didn't work. Eleanor sat on the bed silently, as if looking for words.

"Hermione, would you like me to have a specialist help you with your nightmares?"Eleanor asked. Hermione was taken aback by the sudden question. "Um- no, no, it's fine. I've been taking potions for awhile now, they help"Hermione told, picking at her nails nervously. "Are you sure? Maybe you'll be able to stop the potions, I can help you"Eleanor said.

"I'm fine, I don't need help, I swear" Hermione smiled at her. "You didn't seem fine this morning, you should've seen yourself. You were trembling and twitching, and just crying and muttering" Eleanor told, worry covering her face. Hermione looked away, running a hand through her hair. "I didn't mean to disturb you with this, really-" Hermione began before Eleanor interrupted. "What makes you think you're disturbing me? I became a mother for a reason, not to restrict my children from proper help"Eleanor snapped. Hermione stared at her, slightly shocked.

Ellen once refused to take her to the hospital after she fell while playing at school and had a possible concussion (assumed by a teacher). It was Patrick who sneaked her out while Ellen was at work. Eleanor seemed to realize Hermione's shock and stood up. She walked forward and pulled Hermione into a hug, closing her eyes. This was the first time she had hugged her.

"I convinced Blaise into going into therapy in June. I knew he was tired. There is no shame to get help"Eleanor muttered as she pulled away. "Thank you"Hermione mumbled, smiling lightly as Eleanor cupped her cheek. Returning the smile, Eleanor stepped back and went to the closet. Hermione hadn't opened it yet, but it was empty. "This will be filled before midnight, so don't be shocked if you see house elves coming in and out of your room. Go put your dress on and I'll help you with your hair"Eleanor told.

Eleanor straightened Hermione's hair, being the only way to have it sit nicely down her back. "I believe Recor told you that we're going out for dinner?"Eleanor questioned, straightening one last strand. Hermione nodded, nervously rubbing her hand. "What time is it at exactly?"Hermione asked.

"We should be there by 6. These people are very close friends of mine, I've known them since I was a child. They have children of their own, you've met a couple of them actually. I'm sure you know who Pansy, Theo and Draco are?"Eleanor said. Hermione bit her tongue, nodding.

'So close friends were death eaters' Hermione thought bitterly. "I was actually wondering, you didn't seem pleased with Blaise when you saw him a couple days ago. Is something wrong?"Eleanor asked. "We never really spoke..., we're just opposites. Our friends, our Hogwarts houses, everything"Hermione muttered.

"Oh so you know Blaise and his friends! But you don't seem happy to see them? What do you mean by opposites?"Eleanor went on, putting the straightener down. "His friends are... not pleasant to be around. It's just typical Gryffindor VS Slytherin stuff" Hermione told, not wanting to worry her. 

"Oh that's been going on for ages, I'm sure you'll get over it when you meet them all today. We haven't had this big of a get-together since 1991. I can't wait to see them again"Eleanor grinned, walking away from her as she went to the other door in Hermione's room and opened it. Hermione peaked over before realizing it was a walk-in closet.

Eleanor pulled a small box out and gave it to Hermione. Hermione opened it and saw a thin gold ring in it, a small tilde (~) symbol imprinted into it. "It's a family heirloom, a twin. You get this ring, and Blaise has the other" Eleanor explained, smiling.

"Each pureblood family wears their heirloom differently. Some have necklaces or earrings, even bracelets. Ours are rings, and we traditionally wear it on our pointer finger. Another family, for example the Notts, they would wear the ring on their pinky, the Malfoys would wear it on their middle finger. I'm not sure why we all wear it differently but it's tradition" Eleanor explained further. Hermione nodded slowly, picking up the ring. It looked gorgeous. She slid it onto her finger and looked up at Eleanor. "Thank you"She smiled.

Hermione and her mother were walking to the dining room when they heard yelling coming from the room. Eleanor seemed to know what was happening, pulling Hermione into the room as she rushed in. "What is this about!"Eleanor snapped, grabbing Michael's arm. "I am your father! You will respect me!"Michael barked at Blaise. "Father? You ditched us when I was 3! You only returned to hide from the dark lord!"Blaise yelled.

"I was 25! I came back to help my family! Not to be judged by my own son!"Michael told. "Don't you dare call me your son" Blaise snarled. "You had no excuse to leave us. I will never call you my father"He told. "Blaise, please don't do this now"Eleanor said. "He turned his back on us! How could you forgive him!"Blaise snapped. Eleanor didn't answer, turning to Michael. "Get out. Return before 5. I don't need you bothering them" Eleanor demanded, her voice shaking. Hermione stood there like a statue, Michael walking past her as he stormed out of the room.

"Hermione, have a seat, I'll go make sure he's gone"Eleanor tried to smile. She walked out as well, leaving Hermione and Blaise alone. "What do you mean he left?"Hermione asked the second Eleanor left. Blaise looked over at her before sighing. "I'm only telling you because you should know him for the coward he is. He ran away from us because mother kept crying about you. He didn't care when you went missing; he didn't even try to look. He came back 2 years ago, after the war started, needing to hide somewhere from the dark lord. He's a coward, he deserves to parish"Blaise told. Hermione stared, feeling the words Blaise spat out. He hated him more than anything, it was clear. Though she realized nothing was more important to him than their mother.

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