After dinner they placed themselves in the couch ready to put a movie on. Emma got comfortable next to her sister putting her head on the older girl's lap. They decided for "The Lion King" knowing it would be a movie both girls could enjoy little did they know it was the toddler's favourite movie. Emma clapped and let out and excited squeal when she saw the animals appear on the screen which made both women smile.

Maya was finding really hard to watch the movie to be honest but she really liked thinking about how her life was now. She couldn't even imagine being like this a couple years from now but here she was. As she looked at her wife and the two newest adittions to the family, she remembered the first fight she had with Carina about it to the first doctor's appointment, their first loss, and all the meetings until they finally got their foster liscense. It all seem so far from now  

Luna looked around and for the first time she wasn't scared, she was still a little tensed and very aware of any movement coming from the women beside her, but she wasn't scared. Soon she began to doze off. She hid her hands on the sleeves of the sweatshirt now that she could and closed her eyes falling instantly asleep 

When the movie was about to end, Carina turned to the side to look at the girls. They were both asleep, the older one with her arm acting as a pillow while the little one still had her head on her sister's lap and held tightly to her sister's free hand. Soon Luna began to stir when she felt someone moving next to her. The kid had to take a minute to realize where she was and when she did she pressed her back against the couch trying to make herself smaller 

"Hi bella" Carina said as soft as she could, her heart sinking at the sight. After a few seconds Luna relaxed a little, she wasn't in trouble "It's late, let's go to sleep" the Italian said, Luna slowly nodded and got up trying not to wake Emma up but failed in the process. Emma, having lost her cuddle partner, reached for the closest thing to her wanting to go back to sleep.

The blond smiled at the little girl when she felt a hand take hers but it was really late so she picked the girl up under the watchful eye of the eight-year-old, waiting for Carina to go put the kids to sleep. Luna was too tired and wanted some comfort too. She didn't trust them enough to let them pick her up but holding Carina's hand wouldn't hurt. When the brunette felt the little girl's hand take hers she looked down and smiled at the sleepy kid "Let's get you to bed bambina" she said starting to walk towards their room

Once there, Maya placed the sleeping child in her bed and made sure she was tucked in bed "Good night" she said softly not wanting to wake her up. The little girl whispered a little night night before she turned to the side and cuddle with one of the stuffies that were there. When Maya turned to the side she saw her wife helping Luna to bed. The Italian gave a little squeeze on the girl's hand before standing up and walking towards the door 

Once in their own room they sat in the bed and stayed quiet for a few minutes. Carina suddenly stood up and walked towards the dresser that in one of its drawers had the girls' file. 

"You want to read it now?" Maya asked, she didn't know if she was ready to know whatever's on that file 

"Well the sooner the better" the brunette answered sitting next to her with the file on her lap "We need to know what's on here" she said looking at the blonde who ended up nodding. Her wife was right, if they didn't know, how would they be able to help them 

As they were reading they couldn't stop the lump that formed in their throats. Carina had her eyes filled with tears, no wonder why they seem so insecure and afraid. They had been jumping from one house to the other, almost as it was a joke. They weren't a thing that you could throw away once you are bored. They are like any other human... but tiny and they have feelings like anybody else, why couldn't anybody see that? 

Maya on the other hand felt like kicking something, she was furious. The thought of somebody abusing someone as defenseless as a child made her sick. What type of sick coward would even think about beating up a child?

The file had a blank page, that page it was suppossed to be for Luna's statement but the thing is, Luna hasn't said a word about what happened in that house. Everytime she has asked for help, no one has listened, why would this time be different. She just wants to forget she was ever at that house and keep going.      

In the girls' room, a little brunette wasn't able to fall asleep. She was tired and her bed was comfortable but her mind wouldn't shut off. 

"Luna? You 'wake?" she heard her sister say as a soft whisper, so she turned to the side to face her 

"Yes, weren't you asleep?" she asked remembering her sister being carried to the room to which the toddler shrugged "you okay?" 

"Good" she simply answered turning to lay on her back "It's nice here" suddenly Emma said looking at the ceiling "the food was yummy, and we 'ave toys and they we'e nice" she explained and Luna let out a sigh 

"Yes, I guess" she answered still whispering "we don't know that yet" Luna didn't want her sister to warm up to them to be dissapointed afterwards. It has happened too many times and it never gets easier 

"We stay p'ease?" the toddler asked hopeful, she did understand that her sister wasn't the one who decided that but she was older, maybe she could make the grown ups make them stay. She didn't want to go back, she wanted a family 

"I don't know" she answered truthfully "We'll see" the girl stated "Now sleep, it's late"

"You need to sleep too silly" Emma said giggling turning to her side, facing her sister again 

"I will... promise" she said smiling "Emma... no matter what I promise I'll keep you safe" she then said to her sister. It was hard being the older sister but she knew she had to protect Emma, it was her job 

"Love you sissy" The five-year-old said closing her eyes feeling tired again "Night night"

"Love you too Em"         


Not really good but I hope you liked it      

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