She sat down beside me with a satisfied sigh. "Did you pay them?" I asked. She looked me, a soft frown playing on her lips. "Do you think I would do that? No. They were interested. And Sergio, you know, he's quite good looking. He just needs to relax and relieve some tension." She smiled. I held out my glass for her and she took a sip all while looking at me.

She set it back down onto the table and placed an arm around my shoulder. "You're quite tense too." She surmised when I felt her hand feel my shoulder muscles. I picked up my glass once more. "What does that mean? Do I get the same treatment as Sergio?" I sipped on my drink to hide my smile. "You'd love that wouldn't you. No I don't have time. I need to go in exactly thirty minutes." She glanced at my watch.

I leaned into her, my face being close to her hair, smelling her subtle scent. "Thirty minutes is enough time." I smiled. She looked at me, her face close to mine and slowly smiled. She stood up and so did I. But before we could leave, two men walked up to our table. My guards told them to move on, standing in front of us.

I waved a hand to let the men through. I knew them. They controlled a portion of Italy for me, or more so they controlled the gangs in that area. I sat back down and so did Lira. She breathed out a sharp breath and crossed her arms.

"What do you want?" I stared at the men who smiled. They both sat down at the booth and unfortunately Raf had left with the brunette. The two men wore leather jackets atop their white T-shirts and had slicked back their dark hair. The only way you could tell the twins apart was that Domenico chewed gum twenty four seven and Donato had tattoos on the back of his hands.

"Vicenzo. We just came over to talk. I'll tell you some shit that's going down." Domenico grinned showing off his teeth. "Want a smoke?" Donato asked as he held out a pack of cigarettes. "Don't mind if I do." Lira smiled and plucked one out. She reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out my lighter.

"Lira Qesari. Rumour has is that you two are dating." Domenico grinned as he looked between us both. Lira lit up her cigarette and leaned back, crossing her leg over. "It's not a rumour when it's true. How is your sister?" She asked with a smile.

"She's well. Well you know..nah I can't tell you." Domenico rubbed his clean shaven face as he stopped himself. Lira grinned and leaned forward. "She's fucking pregnant isn't she?" She gasped and held her hand to her mouth. "Take it." She pushed her cigarette towards me and I just about got ahold of it. We watched as she pulled out her phone and scrolled through her hundreds of contacts. She held the phone to her ear. "Oh my fucking God you absolute bitch. You're fucking pregnant!? And you didn't tell me. What the fuck? they never told me..oh come on you know I can tell..well you've been trying for what two years now...I honestly thought there was something wrong with his balls." Lira laughed. She stood up and walked away from the table, heading out.

"I don't know why the fuck women get so excited over that." Donato chuckled. He poured himself a glass of whisky when I offered. "Were you not excited when your wife told you." I asked. He tipped the drink into his mouth and let out a satisfied sound. "I was..I wanted to and her. How did her brother agree to it?" He furrowed his thick brows at me. "There are all sorts of rumours about Adam Qesari. The main one being that he is a evil fucking bastard who kills and tortures for his own amusement. Is that true?" Donato added as he too awaited for an answer.

"As long as you don't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you." I smirked, leaning forward. They nodded their heads eagerly at me. I knew they were loyal and trustworthy enough. "He's a good man and he likes me." I leaned back and inhaled some of the smoke from the cigarette. They looked at each other and chuckled, my answer being not what they expected. We talked for exactly twenty five minutes before they decided to fuck off. However, they were good company.

"Looks like we have no time left." Lira grinned as she walked towards me. I looked down at the stubbed out cigarettes on the glass dish atop the messy table. "We have five minutes." I smiled. She came over to me, stopping at my legs. She ran a hand through my hair and then leaned down, running her hand down my chest. I felt her breath against my cheek and she kissed it softly. "Five minutes isn't enough."

I pulled her down onto my lap, making her giggle which filled me with happiness. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Ah fuck. I'm fucking exhausted. Damn that girl." Raf whistled as he slumped down beside us. "What did those two want?" He asked me as he didn't bother to straighten out his incorrectly buttoned up shirt.

"Just to talk." I replied and kissed Lira. She held my face with one hand. "Go on, fuck off Lira." Raf swore making her chuckle. She let go off me and stood up. "Fuck off yourself. I just hope I find him." She sighed while glancing down. "You will." Raf smiled at her as did I.

I stood up and hugged her to say goodbye. "Not going to give me a hug?" Lira smiled at Raf who was sitting cozily at the table. "No why would I?" He smirked at her. "You're a dumb bitch." Lira stuck her tongue out at him and walked away. I watched her until she left my sight.

"Lira's told me how Sylvia's been sending you nudes. She still doing that?" Raf asked as I picked up a bottle of vodka. I poured in two shots. "No. Not ever since Lira threatened to shoot her. I don't even fucking care. It's just killing Sylvia would mean killing her brother who will no doubt come for revenge and then there's her father. He won't let it go." I waved with my hand emphasising how unbothered I was. I picked up my shot and Raf picked up his. We held them up and downed them in one, the clear liquid burning my throat on the way down.

"No they wouldn't let it go. The fucking De Lacoźa's. I'm with Lira. I say kill them all." Raf grinned evilly. I looked at him and shook my head. He held up his hands. "Oh come on, they run a drug empire. That's nothing. And we, we run the fucking Mafia. It's like taking the lamb to the slaughter. Think about it, that's all I'm saying." He poured in another shot and scratched his jaw.

"I am. The thought has never left my mind. Especially now since Sylvia is- well I don't know what she wants from me." I sighed and sipped my whiskey. "It's obvious what she wants. She knows you're with Lira and she wants to get rid of her. She knows she can't kill her because Lira would kill her first. She wants you so bad it's sickening." Raf spoke with disgust. I hummed in agreement.

"Raf." I spoke up after a while. He looked at me and nodded his head to say he was listening. "I want to marry her." I spoke up over the loud music. His mouth went wide and he shuffled closer to me. "You want to marry Lira?" He furrowed his brows looking very surprised. "But why? You don't have to."

I smiled and felt my hands get sweaty. "I want to. She's the one Raf. It's just her. I just want her. So do you think I should?" I rubbed my palms together. I thought about it often, ever since she faked a proposal, I knew I had to marry her. I had to make her mine. Raf didn't say anything for a while, the atmosphere going deadly silent. His lips soon stretched into a  grin and he nodded his head. "If you fucking love her. Marry her. Make her yours. Oh my fucking God. She'll love that. Oh my fucking God. You're not fucking with me are you?" He smiled widely every word laced with enthusiasm.

I shook my head and chuckled. "No I'm being very serious. You know Raf, there comes a time when you just find the girl that's meant for you. I hope that one day you'll find her too." I smiled at him. Standing up to my feet, I sighed and watched him rise up. We leaned in and hugged each other, with him patting my back. "I'm happy for you. I really am." He said the words that I wanted to hear.

🎶 It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you. Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice? Who cares, baby, I think I wanna marry you. 🎶

What was your favourite part of this chapter?
Mine was the parts where Lira kept handing over her cigarettes to Enzo

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