Chapter 7

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"Raf the plan is so fucking simple, I won't repeat it." I rubbed my eyes in agitation. I looked across to see him with furrowed brows and an open mouth. Is he fucking high?

"Just explain it one more time. Do you want me to fucking die?" He scoffed as he nudged Sergio. "See he wants us to die." He mumbled. Sergio looked across at me in the car and then back at Raphael.

"Vicenzo goes in alone. He talks. If they don't listen, we will shoot them to shit." Sergio said exaggerating every point. Raphael nodded and rubbed his neck. "Now I get it. See wasn't that easier than whatever the fuck you said Enzo."

"You fucking ass. You don't want a stray bullet to hit you do you?" I chuckled as I tapped my gun slowly. "Now he's threatening my life. He never misses. If I die, it was on purpose." Raphael grumbled.

We were headed to see some men. Dare I say it but they may have disobeyed my rules. I only wanted to talk to them but I know in some situations, there is no solution other than death.

We soon stepped out from the SUV we arrived in and I took in my surroundings. It was a cold night, goosebumps threatened to appear across my skin. The soft moonlight basked everything, illuminating the shiny surfaces of numerous cars.

I checked my gun for bullets and placed it into my belt, fixing my suit jacket to make sure it was hidden. Sergio handed me a small knife which I concealed into my pocket. I was uncertain if I had to use them but it was better to be prepared.

I watched as Raphael picked up a sniper rifle. He looked through the scope and felt the weight. He was to be positioned onto the roof. Sergio and the seven other men were equipped with hand guns, bulletproof vests and they were to be posted outside. They would only enter the building upon my word.

The building in question was a broken down warehouse. It's roof was partly caved in which made it a good vantage point for Raf. He chewed some gum, he looked at ease as he walked off into the night, finding his way onto the roof. We have done this plenty of times, I've lost count. I looked at Sergio and he nodded back. Raf was bitchy but when it came to business, he was merciless.

When my men were in position, I headed into the warehouse. I walked slow, my pace even and demanding. Fear was something I created not something I possessed. I was not bound by my own fear.

The warehouse was dark, damp smelling and awfully cold. I am sure I could almost see my breath before me. The sound of my footsteps echoed off the empty space and I could hear distant voices, no doubt colluding against me.

The voices grew closer and I stopped when I saw the several men. The moon shone in through the damaged roof allowing me to see their features. Their faces held looks of fear and worry. I counted eleven men, eight of which were simply hired muscle. No brains, only brawn.

I stopped a few feet away from them, keeping some distance between us. "Good evening gentlemen. I doubt you were expecting me here tonight so I will keep this short and sweet." I spoke loudly. My voice boomed off the walls which made the situation more frightening.

The men all watched me carefully. They all carried guns and several of them pointed their guns at me. "Give me back what is mines and I will think about letting you live." I spoke as I looked around the room.

"No we do-" A man spoke up before I cut him off. "Do not underestimate me. I see that container behind you. Does it not say China white on the side?" I growled lowly. They wanted to piss me off then so be it. Did they truly think they could steal a shipment of drugs from me.

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