'You fight about money, about me and my brother.
And this, I come home to, this is my shelter.
It ain't easy growing up in ww3.
Never knowing what love could be, you'll see.
I don't want love to destroy me like it had done my family.'

Okay it might be about my shitty childhood but at least it wasn't about Lizzie. I thought as I chuckled to myself. I've told Brie about how my mum moved to America and met my stepdad but I never actually explained how horrible he was. When my mum told me she met someone 10 year older me was Ecstatic I thought she would be happy and we would be a family but it couldn't of been further from the truth.

I finished up writing the song making my way out down towards reception. "Hey Harley I'm going I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled. "Bye y/n looking forward to it." She replied as I walked out the building. I checked my phone and realised it was 7pm so I texted Tom.

Gym whore 🏋️‍♀️
I'll be home soon, just got out of the studio.

Spider boy 🕷🕸
I'm out with Harry I'll probably eat food while I'm out so don't worry about me.

Gym whore 🏋️‍♀️
Okay I'll just get McDonald's on the way home, I'll be getting an early night so be quiet when you come in plz.

Spider boy 🕷🕸
Of course bish.

So that's exactly what I did I got food watched another episode of squid game and  went to bed.

The next morning I woke up and got straight into the shower it's already 8:30 I overslept and I don't want to be late. I got dressed into black jeans and a white hoodie quickly before running downstairs grabbing another banana, rushing outside and getting on my bike. When I got there it was 8:55 luckily I wasn't late.

I walked through the main doors and jay was already at the main desk waiting for me. "Hey I'm not going to be here every Wednesday but i thought I would for your first session, normally you'll be with a vocal coach and a professional song writer so they can look over everything properly." He smiled before pulling me into a hug. "Oh cool." "So what have you been working on?" He asked as we made our way to the elevator. "So I've been working on a song called family portrait it's about a family that from the outside look picture perfect but is actually the exact opposite." I explain as we finally get to my studio. "That sounds amazing." " it's really personal to me so the feedback is needed I don't just want fake feedback be brutally honest." I plead. "Don't worry you'll only ever get complete honesty from me." He replied smiling as I handed him my notebook so he can read the lyrics.

"I need to hear you sing it to hear what it sounds like to judge it properly but the lyrics are genius." "Thank you." I reply smiling. "We should start working on a melody for it." He suggests. "I agree."

After what felt like forever but in reality was only 3 hours we finally figured the melody out. "Okay head into the booth and sing the lyrics for me." "Sure." I agree stepping into the booth putting the headphones on as I proceeded to sing my heart out. "Could you sing the second verse again?" He asked through the mic attached to the sound booth. "Here we go."

'Daddy please stop yelling
I can't stand the sound
Make mama stop crying cause I need you around.
My mama, she loves you.
No matter what she says it's true.
I know that she hurts you, but remember I love you too.'

I sing as he shoved his thumbs up with a massive smile. I take my headphones off and walk out of the booth. I felt a tear roll down my cheek I quickly swiped it away and blinked to get rid of any that threatened to fall. We listened to the song all together and he twirls in his chair to look at me. "Wow." I say in amazement. "I love it." "Thank you." "I really do it's so raw and filled with so much emotion. I honestly think that's going to be your biggest song." "Hopefully, it's my favourite." I admit with a shy smile. "So that's 4 songs done we only need 3 more unless you decide you want to add more so don't overwork yourself okay." He said pulling me into a hug as I smiled. "I won't don't worry." "Okay if you want you're free to leave since we've spent all day on this song." "Okay thanks for the help jay I appreciate it." "It's my pleasure also I set up a meeting between you and your lawyer next Wednesday so you can go over the contract together." "Okay sounds great I'll see you later jay." I smile as I make my way to reception. "Hey y/n you heading home?" "Yeah jay let me cut the day short since we finished a brand new song." "I can't wait to hear it." She smiled. "You'll be waiting a while we still have 3 more songs to write." I laugh walking up to her desk. "How long did it take you to write the song you just finished?" "A day." "Exactly I'll be expecting to buy your album next month." She laughed handing me a granola bar. "What's this for?" "Ive never seen you eat so I'm guessing you might be hungry." "I was in a rush but in my defence I did have a banana." "At what time?" She questioned raising an eyebrow. "8:40 ish." "Exactly I'll see you soon y/n." She laughed as I made my way towards the door. "Yes you will Harley." I yelled from the door causing her to burst out laughing as I almost fell into the revolving door. "It wasn't that funny!" "Yes it was!" She yelled back as I laughed and made my way outside.

Once I got home I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see a text from Sebastian.

Seb 🖕🏻❤️
I miss you.

I read it,ignored it and instead of feeling bad I decided to give apartment hunting another go. After a couple of minutes one caught my eye. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom with the main bedroom having an on suite. With a spacious kitchen, a lot of storage and the entire place has an amazing modern style to it. It's only a 5 minute drive from there to toms as well, I looked through all the information and decided to book a viewing.

Once I booked it I called Tom. "Hey." "Hey, I just booked a viewing of an apartment it's only 5 minutes away from your house so would you be interested in coming with me it's tomorrow at 1pm?" "Sure I can't wait ive got to get back to set but I'll be home around 6 so we can order food." "Sounds good to me I'll see you soon have a good rest of the day at work." "You too I'll see you soon, bye." "Bye."

A/n: that chapter felt really long even though it was only 2k words. Anyway this chapters question is what are your opinions on age of ultron?

Personally I love it it's like one of my favourite films but a lot of people dislike it.

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