The girl nodded and walked to one of the trash bags, and then went back to play. Carina started going throught the eight-year-old's clothes, well... there wasn't much there just a couple t-shirts that looked too little for her, some underware and some pants. At the end she opted for some sweatpants and of course underwear. She couldn't let the girl wear any of those t-shirts, she was going to freeze   

In the hallway everything was fine for now but the little girl couldn't help but be nervous and scared ... very scared. They seem nice so far but she still couldn't be sure. It took all in her to go ask for something but she felt icky and her body hurt so she thought a shower would help. As she waited for Carina to come back, her anxiety grew more and more. Her baby sister was alone in a room that the woman she didn't know had just entered. How could you leave her alone?  she thought to herself. It was the easiest rule. Suddenly, her breath began to tremble, making it increasingly difficult to breathe. She felt her eyes burn with tears that wanted to come out

"Hey, it's okay, you're okay. What's wrong?" Maya said noticing the state the girl was in. The blonde didn't understand what was happening, a minute she was fine and then the other she was struggling to breath.  Luna noticed the woman in front of her and took a step back, maybe Maya didn't want to help and she was going to hurt her "I'm going to need you to breathe with me, okay?" the blonde said from where she was, noticing the girl didn't want her close. Luna kept looking at the door waiting for Carina to come out of there, what if Emma was hurt, what if Carina wasn't nice "Eyes here, just look at me" said the blonde taking a deep breath. The girl knew that she had to do it or she would make herself sick so she tried to copy the woman in front of her. After a few minutes her breathing normalized and she noticed Carina standing a few steps from them. 

When the brunette came out of the room and saw the state the girl was in she was tempted to go and try to help. She had to stop herself from doing so, although her mind was telling her to, she knew it could be overwhelming so she let Maya handle it "Emma" the girl whispered, she needed to know her sister was safe 

"Emma? She is in your room bella" Carina said kneeling next to her wife in front of the girl "want to go see her?" she asked to which Luna slowly nodded 

"Let's go then" Maya said standing up followed by her wife. The three of them started walking to the room, Luna keeping a little distance between them. When they entered the room the girl run towards her sister, hugging her as soon as she was close enough. Emma didn't understand what was going on but she still held tight to her sister not liking when she was away. 

The eight-year-old looked at her sister making sure everything was okay, she searched for any signs of her sister being hurt but as soon as she realized there wasn't any she felt like she was able to breath again  

"Now, why don't you go shower while I make us some dinner?" Carina said and saw Luna's grip on her sister grow tighter 

"I'm hungry" suddenly little Emma said looking at her sister, they had not eaten properly since who knows when and the hospital's food wasn't really good. Luna looked at her and then at the women in front of her. She really didn't like the idea of leaving her sister alone with strangers. After staying quiet for a few seconds she looked down and ended up nodding. 

Maya reached out her hand for Emma to take and the little girl looked at her sister asking if it was okay. Luna bit her lip unsure but nodded "Let's go find something to eat" she said and the little girl giggled. Carina and Luna left the room behind them and walked towards the bathroom, making a quick stop in the woman's room to grab one of her sweatshirts. 

"I hope you don't mind wearing one of my sweatshirts tonight " she said placing the clothes over the bathroom counter. Luna shook her head "Good, I will be in the kitchen si? Take as long as you need" the Italian said giving the kid a little smile. 

As soon as Luna entered the shower she realized maybe this wasn't a good idea. Her bruises did feel better under the water but the scrapes on her knees and her stomach sting. It had been a rough week, they had been in and out of the hospital, everyone would ask her to answer questions that she wasn't ready to answer and now that she was out of that house she felt all of her memories hit her. She didn't notice but at some point she had started to cry, that's all she seem to be able to do... cry. Although she did keep it all in when Emma was around that didn't mean she wasn't sad. She got out of the shower, got dressed and stayed there for a few minutes. 

The Italian watched as Maya interacted with Emma, both of them sat on the couch Emma throwing cereal at the blonde while she tried to catch it with her mouth. I'm not cleaning that the brunette thought, soon she realized Luna was taking too long so she went to check on her, just make sure she was fine "Luna? Can I come in?" she asked. When she heard a little "yes" she slowly opened the door "You ready? Dinner's almost done" the girl looked like something was bothering her, and her eyes were a little puffy  

"My hair... I don't have a hair brush" the girl said a little embarrassed looking down trying to cover the fact that she was crying a few minutes ago  

"That's fine I can help you with that" the brunette said and she swears she saw a little smile appear on the little girl's face 

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