Chapter 21: Reminiscence, Akatsuki part 1

Start from the beginning

“Damn it! Quit already with your fucking riddle!” he exclaimed, gripping his white hair in annoyance as using brains in battles is not his forte.

“ That’s it! I will fucking sacrifice you to Jashin-sama!” he declared before lunging at Loren and thrusting his scythe at her. Loren jumped out of the way and into his side just in time and gave him a round house kick in the back. Hidan slammed hard on a nearby tree, his face meeting the rough bark of the tree, and grunted as he slipped down on the ground.

He stood and shook his head to relieve him of dizziness. He turned around and glared at the woman in front of him, who has her hands on her hips, but this time, all signs of goofing around are completely erased, she is now wearing a hard and stoic expression.

“I told you asshole, you can’t sacrifice me, Jashin-sama wouldn’t let it happen anyway” Loren said with her expression not changing.

“Like I fucking believe you!” he exclaimed once again and he directly lunged at her, but only to change his course to his right. Loren closed her eyes before raising her left hand on her side. And as if on cue, Hidan’s scythe collided on her palm. 

Hidan curse even more as he placed more force in pushing her but he only failed.

Loren increases her chakra on her feet until her feet were pressed on the ground. She also increases her chakra on her arms, tightened her hold in the scythe’s non bladed area, and bended the scythe until it broke in half.

Hidan’s eyes widened, he skidded back and examined his scythe in pure disbelief before glaring and burying holes at his opponent’s face.

“Damn you! You’re gonna fucking pay for that!” he exclaimed under his breath several times as his scythe is reattaching.

Loren scoffed, that sentence is very familiar as she heard that a million times, but look at her now, still alive and kicking.

But enough of that because it is now her turn to initiate in offence, she jumped forward and aimed her right foot for a kick at Hidan’s guts, only for Hidan to block her with his now fixed scythe. 

Loren used the scythe as her footing to gather more force and jump backward, but not before kicking his chin hard with her left foot. 

Hidan took a step back with his balance slightly shook off. “Shit!”

Just as the sole of her shoes brushed the ground, she immediately jumped forward with even more force than before. She thrust her fist with concentrated power and chakra in Hidan’s face and he slammed in the previous tree, the said tree finally gave in and broke in shards. 

Dust and the wood splinters flew everywhere that it covers Hidan, his position and condition currently sealed away.

Loren gracefully landed on the ground in a kneeling position, with her only left knee on the ground, and her hair falling gracefully around her. She stood up, put her hands to her hips, flipped her hair to her back, waited for her opponent to appear and once again. . . HAVE SOME FUN.

After a short moment, the woods spitted an angrier than ever Hidan, swinging his scythe as he immediately lunged at her with all the speed that he’s got. 

She brought her feet apart, slightly bended her knees down, and brought her hands forward to greet the powerful scythe with immense brute force. Loren gritted her teeth as she is slowly slipping back.

Loren locked eyes with Hidan’s eyes, except that the blue and red colours are swirling and fighting in dominance. 

Hidan was shock, he didn’t know that their opponent can change eye colour, heck! He didn’t even know that a person can do that! But that can also be said to him, as he is immortal and that is still unheard of or unknown.

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