PARK JIMIN, the Mafia Boss 🎭

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Be careful, he's a snake ~~~ 😈He will mesmerise you with his handsome looks~~~And then he will take your soul ~~~

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Be careful, he's a snake ~~~ 😈
He will mesmerise you with his handsome looks~~~
And then he will take your soul ~~~

Be careful, he's a snake ~~~ 😈He will mesmerise you with his handsome looks~~~And then he will take your soul ~~~

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He wants to be the king ~~~
And he might be the king ~~~
But the fight, will not be easy ~~~

He wants to be the king ~~~And he might be the king ~~~But the fight, will not be easy ~~~

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Two mafia leaders ~~~

One is a king and other one wants his place ~~~

There will be a war ~~~

The war will take many things, many people and a huge lose ~~~

Let's see what happens 🎭🧩🎰

Be ready ~~~

Thank you for reading 🍁
Stay safe 🍁

Thank you for reading 🍁Stay safe 🍁

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HERE FOR REVENGE HONEYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora