🍁 :: epilogue

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Sophie rocked back and forth on the swing located on her front porch. Twenty long yet peaceful years had passed since she and her friends had defeated the Neverseen. A lot had changed since then.

Sophie's train of thought was stopped when she heard the sound of a fire alarm. Sophie's eyes widened and she rushed to see what was wrong. She entered her home to see Fitz dumping water on a very burnt batch of cookies.

Sophie rolled her eyes and smiled as two little kids laughed their heads off.

"Hi honey!" Fitz waved while blowing on the cookies as a final precaution.

Oralie, Sophie's five year old, ran and gave her mother a big hug. She was soon followed by Kenric, who was almost 3.

Sophie laughed as she hugged her children.

"Daddy burnt the cookies again." Oralie explained to Sophie.

Sophie grinned. "I can see that. I've seen your father deal with all sorts of things, but who knew that cookies were so hard." She teased as Fitz joined the hug.

Fitz gave Sophie a quick peck on the cheek and laughed. "In my defense, human ovens are super difficult to use."

"You're just terrible at using them."

"Love you."

"Love you more."

"Please don't kiss!" Kenric squealed.

Everyone broke into another round of laughter.

Lots of things had changed.

But love was forever.


OH MY GOSH. I CANT BELIEVE I FINISHED THIS. i started writing in a world we find in july 2020. now it's november 2021. this books has been such a big part of my life. i'm so thankful for the support i've had and the people who have wanted to read this book. thank you so much. y'all bring me so much joy. please comment and ignore my cheesy af ending 💀

love you all,

beth <3

in a world we find , sophitzWhere stories live. Discover now