🍁 :: chapter 34

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Sophie POV

A flash of images raced through my mind like a torpedo. Remembering the events of last night, I jolted awake. I covered my mouth to help prevent me from crying. I had killed someone and it was hitting me all over again.

I took deep breaths as I calmed down a little. I looked around at the room I was in. Ever glen. Right.

The sunlight pouring in through the large glass windows revealed that I had probably slept in pretty late. It must have been noon at least.

I sat up and stretched my arms. I was a bit sore from all the action last night. I mean, at least I had gotten better at combat.

I then also remembered the fact that Fitz and I were now dating. That thought made me smile. Years of questions and crushes and finally I had answers.

I just wasn't really looking forward to telling Grady- who would probably flip out and give Fitz an hour long lecture about dating- and Edaline- who would ask a million questions and then giggle as I would be forced to answer them all. Sandor would also probably join Grady on team lecture.

I sighed and threw on some trousers and a tunic. Simple and comfortable. I walked down stairs to see everyone else awake and smiling.

As I entered the room, everyone turned to me and I got really anxious for a second.

That anxiety completely faded when Keefe shouted, "FOSTER, WE WON IT'S OVER!"

My jaw dropped and everybody started to cheer and dance around.

Then Grady and Edaline rushed over to me and explained everything. The black swan had been able to catch Gisella and the rest of the Neverseen by tracking Gisella after our fight last night. The caught everyone and they've all been sent to Exile. There wasn't much detail, but there was enough.

Soon enough everyone was happy and partying—and we didn't stop until late that night. At the very end, Fitz kissed me in front of everyone, but I was so happy that I didn't even care. That just made everyone cheer some more (even Grady) and I was filled with contentment. Life was good.


hello bestaes ! i can't believe that i'm almost done with this book. i started this book over a year ago and i'm so glad that i did. ALMOST 10K VIEWS WTFFFF TYSM

lots of love ,


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