🍁 :: 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟱

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Sophie POV

He called out.  Fitz called out.  I was refilled with hope as I headed toward his voice. 

I cupped my hands over my mouth "FITZ!  I'M COMING!" 

His consciousnesses came into view and I smiled.

"Sophie..." he sounded exhausted but relieved to have me near. "Thank you."

"You're okay!"

"No, not really.  Do you know how to help me?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I do.  There's uh only one thing..."

"Yeah?  What is it?"

"We'regoingtohavetotelleachotheroursecrets." It all came flooding out of my mouth in a jumble. My human mom used to call it speaking in cursive.

"Sophie, I'm really not good at guessing games right now.  Can you say that again?"

"Yeah uh we're going to have to tell each other our secrets."

"Okay." He sounded oddly fine with it, as if it were something he had to do everyday. "I'll go first.  I really really like you."

I froze.  My heart and thoughts stopped.  What?  It made no sense.  How could he- it must have been a mistake- Linh-

"Sophie?  You okay?"

"I- uh-"

He cut me off before I could say anything more, "I know that you don't like me in that way.  I'm just a friend.  Just a cognate.  I'm sorry that I can't push these feelings down.  They're the strongest feelings I've ever felt."

"Oh Fitz, you've got it all wrong.  I really like you.  Like, like like you.  Have I said like to much?"

I felt warm and tingly inside but it felt as though Mount Everest had finally risen off my shoulders.  I smiled and I could feel Fitz smiling back.  For a moment, there was no injury.  There wasn't a mission.  Fitz wasn't in danger.  It was just the two of us.  Happy.  Together.

Then it all came rushing back.  Fitz's life was in danger. "Um, we gotta uh save you.  Forkle told me how to do this.  Take my hand." I held out my hand.  My telepathic hand, of course.

Fitz POV

I couldn't believe what had just happened.  One thing after another and we were confessing.  Had I really done that?  Not the time.  Right.

The telepathic figure of Sophie stood in front of me.  She was slightly blurry, but I could still see her.  The colors around us were glitched and slightly mushed together.  Focus.  Right.

Every second made it harder and harder to focus.  I reached for the rest of my energy and held out a shaky hand out to grab Sophie's.

Suddenly the gap between us that had seemed so small a moment before seemed to stretch on for miles.  The tips of our fingers touched and Sophie took a shaky step forward so that our hands were fully clasped.  She smiled.  She had the most beautiful smile.  

"Forkle said that this will feel weird, but it's going to save you and make us permanently Cognates."

I nodded.  It was time for me to return to reality.

Sophie POV

I closed my eyes tight and focused.  Nothing could break my focus, this was everything. If I failed, I would lose everything.  

I opened my eyes as a tingle covered my hand.  Strands of light ran through our hands, connecting them.  I looked up at Fitz with wide eyes to see the same amazed expression on his face.

The coils covered our hands entirely, forming a ball of light over our hands.  The ball spun, quicker, quicker, and even quicker until it vanished and everything went black.

I'm so sorry to end on that cliffhanger!  I'll be updating again soon!  Make sure to light up the vote button, light up the follow button, and light up someone else's day by sharing this story!  I love you guys so much and cya next time!


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