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Fitz POV

A few hours later, we were back at Everglen. My parents and Mr. and Mrs. Ruewen were sitting in the kitchen, trying to remember what had happened in the past few hours.

Who knew how much trouble one single sleepover had caused. But some good things had come out of it too, like me and Sophie.

After many reassurances that all of us were ok, Sophie and I finally got to be alone. It was crazy to think that just a few hours before we had been fighting for our lives against Gisela.

I truly felt bad for Keefe. It was really sad how he had such horrible parents.

Sophie and I walked upstairs and went to the balcony connected to our library. We sat on the floor, as there were no seats on the balcony. We cuddled close and just sat there, looking at the stars.

It was a while before either of us said anything. Sophie was the first to speak, "So what are we now?"

I looked at her. "That's up to you." I answered. I felt it would be best if she decided. She was usually right, after all.

Sophie smiled faintly. "I'd say that we're a bit more than friends at this point."

She had a point. True, we were Cognates, but we had also kinda confessed our love for each other and kissed so that kinda added to the whole 'more than friends' thing.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you have a very good point."

"So... are we dating now or something?"

"We can be if you want."

"I'd like that."

We didn't talk much after that. Eventually we left the balcony and went to our rooms to go t9 bed.


tysm for reading ! i can't believe that i joined wp one whole year ago. it's been such a cool journey. also- 8.7k reads?! that's insane. ty again !


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