🍁 :: 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟴

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Machines clank together.  The construction is almost complete.  She watches from her balcony overviewing the large cavern below.  Thick lava and fire are the only sources of light in the darkness.  The world is asleep.

• • •

Sophie POV

Oh my goodness.  I sat there for a second in shock.  He had actually kissed me.  Of course, me, being the total simp that I am, kissed him back.

He pulled away after a few seconds and grinned. "Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?" He asked me, and I thought I could see a hint of red on his cheeks.  He was just the cutest.

As if I wasn't already red enough, that question made me even more vivid.  I shook my head, even though I didn't really think it was one of those questions where he wanted an answer.

"A really really long time."

I smiled back. "Me too."

• • •

The construction is nearly complete.  The technopath places the final plate on the device.  She gives the thumbs up and the device is lifted into the air.

Biana POV

I sat at my window overlooking Everglen.  Home sweet home.  It had been a long past couple of days.  I should have probably gotten some sleep, but something was keeping me awake, and I couldn't place what it was.  

I sighed and finally retreated to the comfort of my bed.

• • •

She watches as the device is locked onto the drone.  She smirks in victory.  Everything is going as plan.  The ceiling of the cavern parts, and the drone rises into the air.

Fitz POV

I was honestly shocked that she let me kiss her.  After all these years.  I hoped I could do it more often.

Sophie was gorgeous.  Her flowing blonde hair.  Her eyes.  Oh, her eyes.  The gold in them seemed to reflect off the moonlight making them appear to glow.  I wished that my eyes were anything like her's.

We kind of just sat there staring into each other's eyes, until finally, she hugged me.  It wasn't awkward.  It was nice.  After all that had happened, it was nice to feel the arms of someone you loved around you.

• • •

The drone flies.  Closer.  Closer.  Closer.  The countdown starts.


I had my notebook open.  I sat at the desk in the room I was staying in.  Della was nice and gave me the room with the desk and the books.  

Despite the resources, my notebook was blank.  Ever since I manifested, I spent hours every night coming up with ideas for inventions.  But for some reason, I couldn't focus.

It wasn't that Wonderboy was healed.  It was something bigger.  I just couldn't put my finger on it.  Somewhere out in the world, something was off.  I could feel it.

• • •


Keefe POV

I couldn't sleep.

• • •



My bangs were... frustrating me.  Weird.

• • •


Sophie POV

Something was very wrong.

Yeah.  I think I've officially angered the readers. *hides under desk* Thanks for reading!  Make sure to light up the vote button, light up the follow button, and light up someone else's day by sharing this story!  I love you guys so much!  Byeeee!

Beth Out

in a world we find , sophitzWhere stories live. Discover now