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Lady Gisela Minette Sencen walked along the corridors of the Neverseen hideout.  She looked out of a window.  The Moonlark was out there.  Probably asleep, as the sun had sunk far below the horizon a few hours before.  Then again, she always seemed to have sags under her eyes.

Gisela sighed, walking into her quarters.  She sat down at her desk near the window.  The single window in the entire hideout.  The stars were bright in the sky.  There was no moon tonight, but that was alright.  It was still stunning.

She tore her eyes off the window and to the pile of letters on her desk.  All she needed to do was take over the world.  Then she would finally be able to relax.  The world would finally be great again.  Of course, that was a history lesson that few were ever taught.  That was the problem.

A knock on her door brought Gisela back to reality.  "Come in." she called in her cool voice.

Gethen strutted into the room.  His blonde hair looked greasier than usual though he had a confident air.

The arrogant little weasel.  Gisela thought.  He thinks he's better than everyone.  It's so annoying.  It almost reminds me of-

Her thoughts were interrupted by Gethen.  

"So, Gissy.  I was thinkin-"

Gisela cut him off by suddenly standing up.  She gave him a look to shut him up.

"You call me Gisela.  Nothing else.  Do you understand?"

Gethen nodded.  His confident air faded slightly under her menacing gaze.  It was the mood that Gisela worked hard to set.  She needed people to understand how she was in charge and nothing could change that.

She sat back down and Gethen continued, "As I was saying, I was doing some research."

"How rare." Gisela commented carelessly.

"Lately, we've been needing an advantage.  A side to this war that would make us win.  I searched through libraries and made a few trips to the forbidden cities.  I've come to a conclusion.  I think that we could resort to a form of human tactics to help us in this war." He smiled wickedly.

Gisela looked up, as she had been picking her nails.  She was curious but made sure not to show it.  He was right.  The war had been rough these past few months and the Neverseen needed everything they could get.

She spoke, "And what form of human tactics would you recommend from your 'research'?"

Gethen's grin broadened. "Humans often use things called bombers in wars.  I was thinking that we could do the same thing.  But for the Eternalia."

Gisela nearly fell out of her chair in shock.  It hadn't occurred to her.  Many human wars ended with bombings.  It made sense.  All of her problems could end because of this solution.  All she would need was a plan and a bomb.  Probably more than that, but it was a good start.

"I can tell by your smile that you like my brilliant plan." Gethen noted.  Gisela's smile, which she hadn't been aware was there, faded into a glare.  Gethen shut up again.

Gisela stood up and started to lead him out of the room, pushing him.  "Get out of here.  I want more research in the next twenty four hours.  Oh, and confront Salem about this.  Tell her that she's going to have to make a bomb big enough to destroy the Councillor's building."

Gethen nodded and left the room.  Gisela closed the door behind him and went back to her desk.  Her heavy mood was lifted and she was feeling much more... optimistic.  She took out her pen and began to write.  This plan was going to take a while.

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