🍁 :: 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟵

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Sophie's POV

My heart was practically beating out of my chest.  How did the Neverseen somehow get a Mesmer into Everglen? I wondered.  Then I realized that I had said that out loud because Dex responded.

"I'm not sure, but they managed to get Alvar in, so how hard could it be?  Maybe they left some kind of trace after that which allowed them to sneak back in?" He said, unsure.

Fitz popped in, "That brings up another question, why would they wait until now?  We've all been at the house before and we all know what it's like.  They must have chosen to trick us now for a reason."

Biana sighed and then asked, "But why would they go through so much hassle just to trick us?  What are they even trying to do?"

I felt helpless.  The Neverseen were up to something bad, that had to do with me and my friends, and we didn't know what it was.  I was just another piece in their game.

A few feet away, Tam shivered, and a second later, I knew why.  A cold gust of wind blew through the now empty street.  A crystal hanging from a building to produce light rocked back and forth, the metal holding it together creaking.

I chill ran down my spine and I turned around.  A woman with dirty blond hair and the most dazzling blue eyes stood with a smirk on her face.  Gisela.

Biana gasped and Keefe stiffened.  This was not good.

"Get them." Gisela demanded in her elegant yet dark voice.  She had a commanding feel to her that made me even want to listen to her.

Seven cloaked Neverseen members grabbed each of us from behind, holding melders to our heads.  I cried out as the one holding me twisted my arm a little bit.  

Fitz looked angry.  Like, really, really angry.  The cloaked figure was whispering something to him and I wondered if the figure was Alvar.  

I glared at Gisela, trying to appear fierce, but honestly, I was terrified.

Gisela looked to the figure holding me and nodded.  They let go of my arm, still holding me with their other.  They snapped and a large dome covered us.  There was no getting out of this.

"I'm so glad you could make it." Gisela smirked, clasping her hands together.  "We did make it a tad dramatic, didn't we?  I just wanted to do this in style.  I see none of you have changed much."

She seemed so casual about it, as if holding people unwillingly inside of forcefield was just another day on the job.  Actually, that wasn't a very good comparison, since it actually is their job.  Oh well.

Everyone was mad.  Really mad.  I didn't need to be an empath to tell that.  I got an idea and transmitted to everyone,

(note that this conversation is mental and is not being spoken out loud)

"Guys?  Can you hear me?"

Dex jumped a little but otherwise, everyone else was still as they transmitted confirmations to me.

"Great.  You can't hear each other, well, except for Fitz, but that's it.  We need to get out of here.  I've got a plan.  Dex, can you distract everyone with a gadget or something?"

"Sure thing." Dex replied.

"Epic.  Linh, I need you to attack these guys with water."


"Biana, can you vanish and attack these guys too?"

"Sophie, I'd love to but the only person I can get to is Gisela.  I might have vanished and snuck away before anyone grabbed me or stuffed me in a forcefield.  In other words, I'm not in the forcefield." Biana answered.

I had to hide my grin.  At this point, that was Biana's signature move.  How had the Neverseen not caught on?

"Well then I need you to go to Salem's Supplies Shop and get stuff to take these forcefields down because Tam's powers alone won't be enough."

"At night though?"

"They're open twenty four seven.  It's where Grady and Edaline get their supplies for the animals."

"Ok, I'm on it.  I'll be back as soon as possible."

"Tam you know what to do.  Keefe, Fitz?  I need you guys to get ready to fight when the forcefield is let down."

Fitz and Keefe both agreed and it was time for action.  I took a deep breath and prepared myself.

Sorry for taking a while to update!  My life has been BoNkErS lately.  Make sure to light up the follow button, light up the vote button, and light up someone else's day by sharing this story!  I love you guys so much!

✰Beth Out✰

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