I climbed back onto my bed and just stared at the box. It was just a plain old box. Should I open it? What if I don't like what's inside? What if I do?

I slipped a bobby pin out of my disheveled hair and ripped the tape.


I walked into Dentin Hall with a huge, 'ass kisser' box under my arm. As I climbed the stairs I thought about walking back to my car and just wallowing in self pity but, this needs to be done.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. "Hello?"

"What. The. Fuck did you do to my best friend you fucking whorebag!?"

"Wait what? Kara? What'd I do to who?"

"Don't play stupid with me stupido. Eres un aguijón en mi culo!" Well, I've got no clue what she said there but she's definitely pissed at me.

"I was wrong, for going to that party, I know. I'm on a one way trip to kiss ass town right now."

"I don't care who's mad at who, I have good news to share so you two better get to talking. Bye and don't make me call you again."

The closer I got to her door the harder it was to keep going so instead of knocking I just set the box down and left. I know, bitch move.

"Hey Brad! You still hungover?" Sam. Fuck she saw me. Shit. Shit. Shit shit shit.

I turned slowly back around, "hey, uh not really, I'm kind of in a hurry. I'll catch you later?"

"There's a party tonight at Kappa, you going? I hear it's gonna be epic."

"Nope, I'm actually pretty busy tonight, I'll see you around." I continued towards the stairwell.

"Oh c'mon, we had fun last night! Besides you're such a great kisser." She smirked.

"What?" I walked back towards where she was standing. "I don't remember any of that."

"Figures. Hey don't you have someplace to be?" She laughed.

"Oh uh yeah, I'll uh.. I'll text you."

"You better."

"What the fuuuuuuck", I raked my fingers through my hair as I trodded down the stairs. How did I let myself get that drunk? Justine already hates Sam, now I'm fucked.

I sat in my car for about 30 minutes, forehead pressed against the steering wheel trying to replay the events of last night. Trying to remember anything. As I went to start my car I notice a number on my arm, Stephanie.

I pulled out my phone and contemplated calling before getting back out of my car and heading for Justine's room. I need to talk to her.

I knocked and waited.

She opened the door just a smidge "what?"

"I want-- I need to talk to you." I felt like an absolute idiot talking through a door.

"Go on?" She stared blankly.

"Can you please just let me in?"

"No." I stared at her in disbelief, and then she smiled, opening the door and walking back to her bed.

"I see you got the box." Why am I nervous, stop making small talk and be a man.

"Yeah, I barely opened it before you knocked, what is it? Food? If it isn't good I'll be disappointed." How is she acting so normal right now? "So is it food or what?"

I sat down beside her, "no, no it isn't food. I didn't know you valued food more than Forever 27, stuffed animals, and Disney movies. I apologize." I laughed.

"It's not called Forever 27 you dimwit." Without a second thought she flipped the box upside down and watched its contents tumble out. "Seriously? You bought me books and sweatshirts? Like, no food? I'm so disap--"

"You always complain that you're cold and I thought you'd want a few new books for that mini library of yours." I gestured towards the books neatly aligned on the shelves.

I watched her expression change when she spotted the little black box at the top of the pile. She pointed at it. "What's that?"

"It's a part of my formal apology. I overreacted when you turned me down, I wasn't expecting it and you basically punched me in the ego. I'm sorry." She laughed. I just made the most heart felt apology of my life and she laughs?

"You're-- you're so corny! Oh my gosh I'm crying!" She was in hysterics wiping away her tears.

"Dont laugh at me, Justine." I grabbed the box from her hands and held it in the air.

"Give that back!" She jumped from her bed slapping at my arms.

"No. Not until you sit down and listen. We need to clear a few things up, alright?"

She stopped jumping and sat "Fine! You sound like Kara!"

"Oh hush, I came here to be serious. We both know how much you love that." She frowned. "OK so about last night. I went to that party with Sam and got really trashed, resulting in my waking up with a girl in my bed and my apparent kissing of Sam. Before you ask, yes, the blonde girl from class. Stephanie. It wasn't intentional at all."

"It's fine, not like we're dating or anything. Besides, I met this really cool guy from my macro class." She was right. It's not like we're dating.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying we both benefited from a seemingly bad situation. You get the blonde bimbo your dad wanted for you, and for the first time I'm not dwelling on what ifs."

"So you're saying you don't care?"

"Should I?"

"Stop being so difficult! Do you have any idea what this whole thing is doing to me?" I gestured between us. "You'd think we were forcing two negatively charged magnets together. You're driving me crazy!"

"You're driving yourself crazy!" She yelled back, disappearing into the bathroom.

"You can't run from everything, Justine."

"Yes I can, Bradley." I heard the shower and decided to wait.

I fumbled the box around in my hand before opening it and running my forefinger across the words engraved into the small band, "amor vincit omnia", my mom used to tell me that whenever she and dad fought.

I gently placed the box on her nightstand and walked out. This is going to be much harder than I thought.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter!


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