Temple Battle pt. 2

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"What do we do now?" Heat asked exhausted. A mumble beside him urged Flash to look at Crash, whose body started to show steam.

"Flash...I'm..." He murmured. Flash tried pulling Crash to his feet, but the robot slumped against the bricks. His buster started to spark from the EMP wave, and he punched the ground in anger.

"Quickman, run throughout the battlefield as fast as you can! Push yourself to your limits and create some ground cover! Heatman, help heat the air around us! Don't stop no matter what, and pick them all off!" He said. Quick, with no ounce of pride left, nodded and sped off. The clones fired from their hiding places, but it was too late. Clouds of dust and rocks erupted from the ground and quickly passed theirs heads, the vision becoming a cloudy mess. 

"Where did they go?" The larger robot's voice echoed through the dust. 

"Don't know." A Gemini clone said.

"We must know." Another clone responded.

"Face us cowards!" And yet another Gemini shouted among the mist. Flash raised his hand and Quickman stopped running. The mist gradually lifted until all robots were seen. Flash looked to all the angry clones surrounding them, taking a good look at their bodies. As the Gemini's raised their weapons, Flash pointed to the one covered in dust. He shouted and Quickman threw a boomerang blade through the chest. The real Gemini gasped and fell into the debris, the clones disappearing rapidly.

"What was that for fighting your opponent?" Quick spat. Flash simply smirked, allowing Quick to have his moment of satisfaction. A bellow startled them both as the giant blue robot stood up, both of his fists raised and ready to crush their skulls. They waited for the impact, but heard several pairs of footsteps running in their direction. The first one to appear was Ballade with his weapon, the Ballade Cracker, in both of his hands. Enker was not far behind, throwing his spear at the hulking monstrosity. The robot toppled over as the spear lodged in it's leg, and Ballade took the opportunity to stick multiple bombs around the body. Ballade gave the command to run, and within seconds explosions pounded whatever was left of the area.

Whatever was left of the blue robot's armored body was covered in smudges and blown outwards, certain parts of circuitry exposed and the core beating slowly. The robot closed its eyes slowly and fell backwards. Timeman and Oilman were the last ones to pop out of the bushes, covered in bite marks.

"Well, that should be one more." Ballade said. "Are we all good Enker?"

"Metalman and Bubbleman said they got the two that ambushed us earlier, and Punk is taking care of the one with Woodman and Airman. Airman won't be able to continue with us, but the rest are heading to our location."

"So we're good?" Ballade repeated himself.

"Yes, we're all good." Enker nodded.

All of the robot masters relaxed with no more enemies visible, and the pyramid with the eye symbol stood proud among the jungle and broken relics. Among the silence, Heatman went over to the steaming Crashman and Quickman staggered against the fallen robots. Time and Oil nodded at each other and walking towards the temple.

"It seems the field is releasing another wave and slowing our circuits down. Look at your brother, and look at yourself. I can feel the effects coming quickly as well." Time said before stepping into the corridors.

"You all just wait here, an' we'll go help him! Later!" Oil gave a thumbs up and followed his friend. The steaming robot masters looked on, mentally arguing whether they were to follow. Enker sighed and followed them into the tunnel along with a enthusiastic Ballade playing with another one of his bombs, leaving the group of damaged robots behind.

Megaman: RebootOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora