VII - The Hoen Park

Start from the beginning

"But why? Your parents were incompetent, that's why they died in the hands of Glacius!" The boy, Brian, continued.

Katsuki looked at Jamie's group and noticed how they were shaking in anger. They wanted to punch him in the face, but they were suppressing themselves. Katsuki scoffed and whispered to Jamie, "Just punch him in the face, why are you hesitating?"

"All four of us were already getting reported about fighting against these guys. If we continue fighting them because they're pissing us off, the school might kick us out..." Jamie whispered back. Since Izuku and Shoto's senses were enhanced by their quirk and training, they could hear everything they talked about.

"Who are these three chickens?" Hearing the word chicken coming out of Brian's mouth, Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto stared at Brian with murderous intent.

"W-what?!" Brian felt intimidated. He believed that those gazes were heavy and they were experienced in fighting since no one could produce that kind of intimidation unless you're a hero, villain, or a vigilante.

"What did this shit call us?!" Katsuki was pissed. 

"Chicken..." Shoto coldly replied while staring at Brian, who retreated a few meters back. 

Izuku scoffed and coldly said, "Heh, let me tell you. Fuck off."

At that moment, Brian regrets that he insulted them. He thought that they were the same as Jamie's group since they were hanging with each other. He thought that they were losers, just like what they believed in Jamie's group.

"Let me tell you—" Izuku said while their wings opened, vanishing in an instant. The next thing that Jamie and Brian group was that Izuku was in front of Brian, coldly looking at Brian's frightened expression. Katsuki pointed his wings toward Brian's neck, while Shoto used his feathers to prevent the other three from moving. 

"—the only people who could call us like that were Hawks and our master. Do you know what happened to the other people who tried calling us like that?" Izuku said. Brian immediately shook his head. He doesn't want to know what he did since, by the current situation, he definitely knows that Izuku's group wasn't simple.

"They're either punished by us, punished by the commission, or crippled for the rest of their life. We might be training to become a hero, but if you know what we are in the commission and what can we do, you should run for the rest of your life. We can even kill someone we don't like, and the commission will lend us a hand to do that..." Izuku scoffed. It was half a lie, they never punished or crippled someone, but they killed criminals before. Also, the ASSC and HPSC granted them freedom and authority, so Izuku was confident about what they could do.

"C-commission?!" Brian began shaking violently. When the three of them saw Brian and his group's reaction, this made their deduction correct. It was clear that the commission here in America has more power and authority over the heroes than the commission in Japan.

In Japan, all heroes weren't under the commission and most of them were independent. On the other hand, here in America were all under the commission.

"If you'll be kind enough, get out of here. If you wanted to do something here, do it without bothering our group..." Shoto coldly said as he stared at Brian.

"Or else, we'll beat you to a pulp..." Katsuki said with killing intent. 

"I-I understood..." Brian instinctively nodded in response while staring at the group in fear. He couldn't even look at Izuku's eyes, which were very cold that could probably even kill a person just by looking at them.

The trio retreated their wings and feathers, and let Brian and his companies go. Brian's group immediately left as if they were scared for their life.

"Haha. It's been a while since we intimidated someone!" Katsuki laughed. 

"Jamie, Vincent, Jack, Salvio, if they come back again, fight them. The commission and our brother will help you!" Izuku said to the group.

"Thank you..." Jamie replied and it seems like he felt a  little bit complicated. 

"But—can you tell us what happened? We're also curious about what happened, especially when we heard about the infamous villain here in America, Glacius." Shoto asked. Jamie's group stared at each other, thinking if they should tell them.

After a moment of silence, they nodded and agreed that they'll tell their story. "It's like this—"

He began his story four years ago when the villain Glacius was still active. He kills, rapes, steals, and does any kind of crime using his quirk called Ice Particles. It allows him to create ice particles from the air and form it into a complete form of ice. It was simple, yet insanely powerful as he could easily freeze a whole city.

Jamie, Vincent, and Salvio's parents were part of the hero team that'll capture Glacius, along with 200 more heroes. On the other hand, Jack was held captive and tortured by Glacius since he have his blood. He was his father, after all. The number 1, 2, and 3 heroes didn't participate at that time since they went somewhere in the world. 

They successfully captured Glacius and saved Jack from his miserable life, but during the process, 122 heroes died, 63 were injured, and the rest doesn't have many injuries. Jamie, Vincent, and Salvio's parents belonged to the 122 heroes that died.

After that, the rank three heroes feel responsible for the many deaths of the hero, so they began looking out for the deceased hero's family and relatives, and getting them a better life. Also, the information about Jack being Glacius' son was also a secret to the public.

The four of them coincidentally met each other and began to create bonds like a family should have even if they know that Jack's father was the one who killed their parents. 

"I see. You sure have a great bond." Izuku pitied them for their story and smiled at them whilst massaging Katsuki's fluffy black demonic feathers.

"How about you guys?" Vincent asked.

"Oh, you wanna know our story too?" Shoto asked.

"If you don't want to, it's alright..." Salvio awkwardly laughed while scratching his head,

"No, no. We'll tell you. We also wanted someone to hear our stories anyways..." The three of them might've experienced experimentation and intensive training from the commission, but they don't feel any anger or hatred toward them. Even if they're a bird in a cage, they didn't mind as long as they have each other's back.

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