Chapter 1

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Laying in my bed,I glanced over at the clock that read 5:30 a.m. I took a deep breath,but made no attempt to get up out of bed. I had already hit the snooze button twice. I knew it was time to start my day. Just as I was about to get up I heard two knocks at my door,and Darla's head came peaking in.

"Oh your up,"she smiles.

"Yeah I'm up. Just needed my last moments of peace. I didn't get a great nights sleep ." I say. Taking another deep breath.

To much just going on in my mind...

"Care to share?" Darla asked sitting on the bed.

"Nah it's not important. We better get ready for school." I smile as we got up off my bed heading out the room racing down the stairs to the kitchen. I saw that my social worker Ms.Lauren was already here pouring herself a cup of coffee. She greeted me with a hug.

"Good morning ladies. Are we ready for the day?" She asks cheerfully.

Darla smiled at her nodding her head yes.

I on the other hand was a wreck. My nerves were all over the place. I think Ms.Lauren sensed this. So before I left the kitchen with my pop tarts she asked if I was okay.
"Hey Melly are you okay?"

"Yeah just nervous." That response seemed satisfactory for now. With that I left to go take a shower getting geared up for my last day of school. As I was walking,I hear Ms.Lauren in the distance say.

"I want to talk to you when you get back from school later."

I turned around and said okay,and continued up the stairs.

If you're wondering why I am so nervous? Who Darla is. And why there's a Social Worker in the kitchen? I'll tell you,but first let me introduce myself. My name is Melody Harris,and I just turned eighteen. Darla is someone I consider a sibling of sorts,and I have a Social Worker because I live in a girls group home. I'm in foster care,but I'm aging out of the system. Hence my nerves. I mean I should be excited right? See when most kids my age are getting ready for graduation, 'it's what outfit am I gonna wear?' 'Who's coming to see me get my diploma?' 'How many gifts am I getting for my accomplishments' or the party my parents are gonna throw for me? I on the other hand have to think differently. For I am now 18,and by the State of New York considered an adult. Once I graduate,I will be out of the system. My life hasn't been easy,but I am grateful that it wasn't as bad as it could have been. That's were Ms.Lauren comes in,but that's for another time.


As the bus pulls up in front of the school most of us stand up to get off. I see my best friend Nicolette chillen on the sidewalk as I step off the bus. We hug,and talk for a bit. The bell rings,we then say our goodbyes and head to our separate classes. We usually meet up at lunch.

I just finished my third class,and I make my way to the cafeteria.
"Sooo,are you ready for graduation?"she's so excited,and before I could answer she continues .. "Man I can't wait to get out of here." I know Nicki so I just smile and let her continue. "Summer break and then our new lives as College girls,she grabs me and smiles giving me a big hug. I can't help but smile. She is thee most optimistic person I've ever known. That's one of the reasons I like being around her. That positive energy she always seems to exude.

"Sooo,what are your plans for the summer?"she asks while popping a fry in her mouth.

Did I even answer the first question?hmmm

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