II - The Three Princes

Start from the beginning

'These poor kids. They were kidnapped and became test subjects, and now they're going to enter the commission, which I consider hell myself. On top of that, they might not be able to meet their parents anymore, ever again.' Lady Nagant opened the parked car nearby and placed the duo in the passenger's seat, followed by Todoroki, gently held by a hero.

'This kid—I know that this is Todoroki Shoto. But isn't it the son of the number two hero? I wonder what would the commission do to this matter, then?' She didn't notice it at first since the basement was too dark. Now that they're outside that forsaken place, she can finally tell who they really are.

'On the other hand, the green-haired boy—he was the son of the pro-hero Dragon. I think this case would become troublesome if the news leaks out. Not just the son of Endeavor but also the son of an American-Japanese hero. The commission will definitely not let these kids go. This case is not a matter of Japan alone now. It's an international case.' Lady Nagant heaved a deep and heavy sigh.

** The Hero Public Safety Commission **

"U-um..." The green-haired boy, Midoriya Izuku, whispered, instantly alerting the boy next to him. He woke up, lying on the soft bed, staring at the unfamiliar white ceiling.

It's completely different from the ceiling of their home or that place.

"Are you awake now?" The boy—Keigo enthusiastically said.

"W-where are we." Izuku weakly asked.

"You're in the commission. We'll take care and train the three of you." Keigo replied with a smile.

On the other hand, Katsuki was already awake. He has been waiting for the news that his friend has woken up. He was filled with anxiousness and fear that something terrible happened to his friend, especially after he heard the agonizing cry from Izuku, who was injected with that quirk serum.

It's as if he developed the trauma of losing Izuku.

He walked back and forth, waiting for the boy named Keigo, who was watching Izuku wake up. Todoroki Shoto, the other boy who survived, is also for Izuku to wake up.

Shoto has only been talking with Katsuki since he woke up, and he can tell that Katsuki really cares for Izuku, which also makes him quite fond of the sleeping boy. They comfort each other, especially when they can't handle the pain for themselves.

It's already been five days since they woke up, and Katsuki's fear worsened over time. He was shaking, and his eyes filled with tears.

Shoto was next to him, trying to comfort him.

Frankly, he doesn't know how to comfort someone. However, since his sister, Fuyumi, secretly consoling Shoto, he's doing the same method as what his sister did to him.

They might not be close, but they became friends for only a few hours.

'This is my fault... This is my fault...' Katsuki inwardly thought. He was sitting outside Izuku's room, waiting for him to wake up after five days. He was blaming himself for what his friend experienced. Even though, as a kid, they could not do anything against it.

'Deku... Please wake up...' Katsuki softly sobs.

When the door opened, Keigo left the room. Katsuki immediately went to him, and Keigo knew what he wanted. Shoto followed suit, also wanting to hear the news.

Keigo only smiled and gently nodded his head.

Katsuki immediately rushed towards his friend's room, revealing a fragile Izuku. Katsuki stared at him for some time as his eyes filled with tears. Then, he immediately ran towards him, hugging him tightly. A hug that was like he never wanted to let go of Izuku. Shoto only smiled at their interaction.

"K-kacchan. W-what happened?" Izuku asked. Ever since Izuku woke up, his question didn't get answered.

"You've been asleep for five days, you idiot!" Katsuki said as he softly sobbed.

"Five days? I see. I'm alright now, see? You don't have to worry about me..." Izuku chuckled, revealing the innocent smile that Katsuki wanted to see once again.

"Yeah, you're right. Oh, you have to meet someone..." Katsuki began wiping his tears and removed his hands around Izuku.

"Who?" Izuku asked in confusion.

"I think that would be me. You're Midoriya Izuku, aren't you? The son of the pro hero Dragon..." A boy with heterochromia irises and half-colored hair said as he walked to the room.

"Speak of the devil..." Katsuki slightly chuckled.

"I am. You should be Todoroki Shoto, right? The son of Endeavor..." Izuku replied with a gentle smile on his face. He remembered his name and background back in the basement. So this is the first time Izuku has seen him.

"Yes. I was shocked when I heard that there's not just me, but there's a lot of other kids like us with the background of a pro hero..." Shoto replied while walking beside Izuku.

"What happened to the one who made us suffer, though?" Izuku asked. He couldn't recall anything before.



Katsuki and Shoto were silent for a moment. They don't know how to answer his question: a question that might break his heart.

"We also didn't remember anything... But—" Shoto said as he faced the ground. He wasn't sure if he should tell him. Based on his new friend, Katsuki, Izuku has the softest heart that could easily break.

"But the guy earlier—chicken--no, brother Keigo said that we killed them..." Katsuki closed his eyes, feeling complicated about what he just said. He opened his eyes and stared at Izuku, who was surprisingly calm.

"I see. So—I killed someone, huh?" Izuku whispered.

"What do you feel about it? They also said that I and this half-hair also killed many villains too. I wanted to catch them, but—I didn't want to kill them..." Katsuki sighed heavily. Katsuki didn't have any guilt about killing the villains that tortured them. In fact, he was glad and pleased. He knows that getting satisfied by killing the villains is unheroic, but he doesn't mind it anymore.

"I-I don't know. I feel sad, but I also feel relief. I am relieved that I'm still alive and you're still alive. It's as if I don't care if I killed someone." Izuku said while looking at his hands. Shoto feels the same, too. He was relieved that someone else besides him survived. He also seems like he doesn't mind about the killings.

That means Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto's feelings and emotions were complementary. They all lost a specific emotion of remorse or guilt.

"Aww, the new princes are awake now. It makes my heart burst in excitement." A woman with dark blue and pinkish hair said as he patted the head of the winged boy beside her.

They're Lady Nagant and Keigo.

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